Friday, November 8, 2013
Approximately thirty years ago I inherited a small leather covered box that contained a beautiful silver cross. The old lady that had passed, was related by marriage to a distant cousin of my mother. We were in British Columbia at the time clearing up the estate. This beautiful box and its contents intrigued me persuading me to discover its origin.
I knew it had a military connection. I learned it is not the sort of item a family wants to receive. With this medal comes the reality that a loved one has made the ultimate sacrifice and will never come home. So now I had something sacred lying in my hands. "Oh" I thought to myself. "I must pay homage to this soldier who gave his life for us and our freedom." My journey to uncover the mystery began.
I turned the medal over which was engraved with a service number and a name. It was a Canadian issued cross so at least I had a starting point.I went online and searched the military archives on the Canadian Government website. I was ecstatic when information I requested started to pop up on the screen. From these old microfiche files available I could now uncover the identity of this lost soul.
I learned his name, rank and other personal information. He was a soldier from World War I. His name was Sergeant Percy Hall. He volunteered to serve for his country - Canada. He was just 28 years old at the time of his death on Sunday, August 12, 1918. I have since learned that he was mortally wounded during a 10 hour hand-to-hand combat in the trenches near Parvillers, France. From his regiment, Private Thomas Dinesen was honoured with the Victoria Cross for his bravery.
He was a widower with one daughter, Marjorie Hall who resided in England. He was a clothing salesman by trade and lived in Montreal. He was the only son of William and Alice Hall who lived in Leeds, England. His remains lay at the Vimy Memorial in Pas de Calais, France. He was with the 42nd Battalion (Quebec Regiment) Canadian Army. He was born on October 14, 1889 and swore allegiance to King George the Fifth on his Attestation Paper for military service. His physical description was average for the day I presume. He joined the army at age 26. He had brown hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. He was 5', 8.5" tall and a average chest size of 36.6". He had a birthmark over his heart.
As I stare at his signature some 106 years later, I feel sad and proud to have educated myself about this lost soldier. I feel I know him. The elderly lady who kept his cross safe, lived in Leeds, England as a child as did her late husband. She too had served in World War II. So there was some connection there which I may never know. She had no family at the time of her passing and had left her worldly possessions to my mother who had been her friend and confidant over the years. My mother never knew of Sargeant Hall so the mystery of this silver cross lived in a shadow of a drawer for decades.
I think it was God's work that the silver cross came into my possession. Every Remembrance Day I used to wear Sergeant Percy Hall's silver cross around my neck and proudly show it to my young riding students. I told his story and ask them to say a prayer of thanks to Sergeant Percy for giving his life for us. It is not only wearing the poppy that reminds me of my freedom, it is the silver cross and the man behind it that makes Remembrance Day a more special place in my heart. God bless you Percy Hall. I remember you. A few years ago when a distant cousin of mine was visiting from England, she had done a bit of digging on our family tree. One name appeared way back in the archival records: "Hall" and specifically the same names of Sargent Hall's parents. Perhaps I do have a connection to Sgt. Hall. Regardless, I continue to honour his memory and sacrifice.
POSTSCRIPT.....On May 20, 2016 I had a break-in at my residence and the silver cross and its case was stolen along with other heirlooms and jewelry. I was devastated to have lost this precious cross. To this day, it has never been recovered.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Here is a brief cover story about my first fiction book titled 3ccs still in draft. Would love to have your feedback.
Three CCs
By Catherine Sampson
Kate Bronson’s equine security business was a flourishing
venture but one that would see more than the occasional theft or drug use.
Murder and mayhem was not typically on the roster as she made her nightly
rounds to wealthy clients’ equestrian estates. For top trainer Jake Crowley,
life ended in a stall at Crowning Moment farm on a late winter’s night. A
suspected accidental death, Kate’s quest to uncover the truth about Jake’s demise
and find his sole heir would take her on a global search. As her mission intensified,
she would be fraught with danger as she slowly unraveled a complex story
cloaked in a shroud of lies, mystery and suspense. On the precipice of unmasking
the killer, peril and misfortune would follow her every turn. Despite her
vulnerability, Kate Bronson forged ahead in her determination to solve Jake’s
murder and find the daughter he had never known.
Friday, October 25, 2013
by Catherine Sampson
A young man stood in the entrance way to the stable trying to understand the connection with horses that his girlfriend seem obsessed with. As we chatted he hesitated for a moment before asking the question. "Why do you keep all these old horses?" he said. "They aren't being used anymore, why don't you take them to auction like other stables do?" he added. I smiled and looked out to the south. Trying to explain it isn't always about economics, I began my sermon.
"The ribbons may be faded, the applause silenced, but the memories of good rides and victory passes never leave." He cracked a smile as I went on. "Some of these horses I've bred, raised and trained. Many I have purchased. Some have been donated back to farm by their owners when they could no longer ride them. All have worked hard; all have trusted me with their welfare." I smiled back at him and then continued. "They are in fact an extension of myself. I care for them as I would like to be cared for." I went on. "Just because our bones are aged and some of us don't stride as easily or gracefully as our younger counterparts, we are wise." My visitor strained his ears to listen for more. "When they have aches and pains, I treat them. When they are tired, I rest them. And when I can no longer ease suffering, they are laid to rest by my veterinarian." I looked to the gravesite as I went on. "You see this horse business is an emotional business. It is unlike any other job you will have. These horses are a gift that are lent to us for a short time. We have a duty to care for them and not betray them. They have a history with humankind and I don't mean being displayed on a dinner plate." I continued with my sermon sadly acknowledging that the kill pen is the last stop for many unfortunate horses. "When you take on a horse, you take on a financial responsibility. It shouldn't be an impulsive purchase. You can never tire of it and throw the horse away when you are done with it." My visitor's face was softening as I pointed to a headstone. "I have a conscience that makes me at ease in my heart knowing my old friends have lived and passed on the lands they freely roamed and enjoyed. I gave them dignity in life and death and loved them all." As I turned back to face the young man, I noticed a small tear roll down his cheek. I think he got my message.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
As expected, the line of cars running bumper to bumper disappeared over the horizon. From Norland to the Haliburton Highlands, people drove by at turtle speed. The OPP were in force as promised. I spotted two smokies in the bushes. I had deliberately set the speed control at the speed limit so no worries on my part. I stopped in at Coboconk and pick up my groceries. The bill came to just under $170 for some veggies, fruit, a couple of prepared meals, ice, fire wood and starter fluid. This is the time of year these businesses make their money!
Back on the road Taboo (my Moluccan Cockatoo) was merrily twirling around upside down in his cage. Once in a while he would break into song of different variations of ‘hello.’ He knew we were on an adventure again.
As expected, the line of cars running bumper to bumper disappeared over the horizon. From Norland to the Haliburton Highlands, people drove by at turtle speed. The OPP were in force as promised. I spotted two smokies in the bushes. I had deliberately set the speed control at the speed limit so no worries on my part. I stopped in at Coboconk and pick up my groceries. The bill came to just under $170 for some veggies, fruit, a couple of prepared meals, ice, fire wood and starter fluid. This is the time of year these businesses make their money!
Back on the road Taboo (my Moluccan Cockatoo) was merrily twirling around upside down in his cage. Once in a while he would break into song of different variations of ‘hello.’ He knew we were on an adventure again.
I finally arrived at base camp and
checked in while retrieving the key to the gates. I had previously decided to
eat at base camp before heading out. After a so so small 6 oz. steak, a
Smirnoff and baked potato, that bill came to almost $40.
With my belly full I made my way
to 1.05 marker. The site was not the one I was at last year. Instead I was a
small plot tucked in between to permanent leased properties. I was disappointed
as the views aren’t as good and no way to get to the water without climbing
down a steep slope. Now a generator is humming along next door. At least they
have power.
I started to unpack my camping
equipment and decided I had better start with the kitchen stand. I opened the
metal case only to smell that distinct order of pee and mouse turds! I don’t
know how on earth they got into the case, but there was insulation and crap
everywhere. It’s a metal case for god’s sake. I might just have to toss my
great little stand. I managed to get the tent erected and decided I should
maybe inflate my bed. Both the generator and the spare car battery were toast.
Bob thought as much when he tried charging them. So tomorrow I will have to go
into town and buy a 12 volt battery so I can sleep in the tent and charge my
inventory of electronics. Bob said that I might just have to stay off the grid
for the week. Well he might prove right as cell phone service is spotty. There
is no wireless internet but I do like my laptop for typing on and watching the
odd movie by the fire.
Zoey jumped into the lake when I
took her down to the boat ramp. But as I type, her teeth are chattering with
cold. I put her winter Shedrow blanket on to warm her a bit. She isn’t eating
either. She has been off the past few days so I’m not sure what is going on.
Deliverance on the other hand wasn’t sure of the water thing. He looked puzzled
about it all. He never even put a paw in the water. Give im a couple of days
and I hope I can convince him it isn’t that bad. After all he is half Lab.
Taboo is quiet sitting in his crate on
the picnic table. With the night air starting to cool things off he will have
to retire to the truck. Soon I’ll light a fire with my kindling wood I bought.
(They had no logs so I have this humungous bag of small wood pieces.)
There is very little room for a
parrot and two large dogs. This going to bed early is tough, especially when I
forgot my sleep meds and Advil. I read as best as I could from the dim light of
my battery operated table lamp. I didn’t want to use the truck lights as it is
the only live power source I have on board.
The dogs were restless and both
vying for a good spot on my fold out back seat bed. Try as I might to sleep, I
was still awake by midnight. My back was really giving me grief as the bed
doesn’t lay totally flat. It was leaning a bit towards the floor so I was
slowly rolling in that direction. On went the TENS machine for 20 minutes. Ah….
That felt better. It was hot in the truck with all these bodies. I had saved
some mosquito netting and rolled the window down stuffing the netting in the
opening. Fresh air at last.
By morning I found myself partly
on the floor with my arms touching the mat and my head not far behind still
clutching the pillows. Two dogs stretched out on the rest of the bed looking
very fresh and relaxed. For sure I’m on a hunt for a battery today.
Tuesday, July 2nd
It was 10 am before I managed to
stumble out of the truck. I made a dash for the outhouse. If I had been in the
other more secluded site, I could just squat behind a tree. This is going to be
a problem when I take my water pills. They make a trough for women when in the
outdoors so you can stand up and just pee like a man. It might be worth the
Noisy, noisy, noisy… The logging
trucks are running by every 10 minutes, along with the dump trucks hauling
gravel I presume to fill the eroded parts of the road leading into the camps.
The road is just a mere 30 feet from my site. I was on another site a few years
back having to deal with the interruption of quiet peace I’m so desperately
seeking. I vowed I would never go back. Chain saws buzzed all day long. If this
keeps up, I might just take my laptop and go on a trail; find a nice flat rock
and click away at my computer. This is awful. It is a constant barrage of
rumbling diesel engines as a parade of heavy trucks bang and bump their way by
my tiny spot in the woods.
I was successful in my shopping
today in Minden. I got a new car battery and it instantly worked when I got
back to camp and tried it out. Hurray!!!! I even got $15 off for donating my
dead recycled battery. I picked up some canned dog food to see if Zoey Pearl
will eat that. Her teeth are bad and in need of removal. I think that is part
of the problem. As for Deliverance, he could care less. He ate Zoey Pearl’s
breakfast too. I also got a dish washing pan and firewood. Now between on the
kindling and real logs, I should have some roaring campfires the next several
I stopped in at the Kawartha Dairy
and order some Cherry Bordeaux ice cream. They don’t make banana splits anymore
so I had to settle for a cone and two extra dishes for the dogs. Deliverance
wasn’t quite sure what to do with ice cream. But eventually he tried it and
licked and slurped away. Zoey of course finished hers and Taboo had a bit of
cone. It was off to the camp once again.
I’m really excited to have my bed
in the tent tonight. I’ll probably leave Zoey in the truck and just have D with
me tonight. She gets so cold in the tent. I have a coat for D so I might just
put one on him as well. It is cool and over cast but at least it isn’t raining
like last year! (I better not say that too loud.) I think the cooler
temperatures are even keeping the bugs at bay.
I’m just going to start dinner on
my faithful Coleman stove and grill. I love this little stove. Coleman makes
the best. Tonight I’m having veal parmesan with pasta. For tomorrow’s menu, I’m
on to Chicken Alfredo in cream sauce. Everything tastes better outdoors. And
the Merlot is perfect.
July 3rd
I watched a movie last night by
the campfire and then retired to my tent with D. I put Zoey’s coat on and left
her to guard the truck with Taboo. I read for a while before extinguishing my
lamp and pulled the covers over my shoulders. It was comfy and warm. So
wonderful to have my Queen’s size bed again, this time only sharing it with D.
I woke several times in the night
to Zoey Pearl’s thumbing in the truck; her bear bells tinkling. She is a
restless sleeper as she repositions herself several times making sure everyone
knows it. The bull frogs were at it as well with their deep throated double
bass signaling for a mate. Finally I drifted off to the silence blackness of
the night.
I awoke at 7 am and proceeded to
visit the loo before anything else. I cooked a big breakfast for the dogs,
Taboo and I. It consisted of eggs and bacon, toast with peanut butter, orange
juice and coffee. Everyone enjoyed samplings from my plate. Taboo of course
loves his toast with peanut butter and the dogs devoured the bacon and eggs.
After I fortified my body with
food, the dogs got their second entre: dog food. Zoey Pearl was in a playful
mood so I tossed her a stick in the water several times. She was very
deliberate in her retrieves. Her swimming has much improved and I feel Coco’s
spirit guiding her through the water. How I miss Coconut. It was then I decided
to go to the launch area where Coco had his last dives from the dock into the
warm water of Lake Macdonald. I removed my Crocks and socks; rolled up my pant
legs and proceeded into the water. I was trying to coax D in and see if he
would retrieve. With intrepidation he slowly walked into the water with the
lure of a knobby stick. It was a bit embarrassing to see such caution from a
dog who is half Labrador Retriever. Still I can understand his reluctance to
water since he probably has never seen a lake before. How sad. The best I could
do was to get D to go as far as his chest. He is very much like me. If we can
stand up that means it is safe. I can relate to his fear of the bottomless deep
waters. Drowning is not on my list of things to do.
After a spicy bowl of chili, the
dogs and I headed out for walk on the Nordic Trail, soon followed by the Dog
Trail. This would be first off leash trail walk. After a few minutes of keeping
him on leash, he soon followed Zoey untethered for the remainder of our 2 hour
hike in the bush. The trail would take us up inclines of rock and boulder, on
swamp-like foot trails; passed marshes and through some dense brush. I had my
new ThermaCell mosquito repellant hooked securely to my hip. This would be a
real test to see how good this propane lit mosquito buster would work. Although
I had miniature black clouds of bugs around me, none landed on me. I was
relieved it actually worked because I didn’t take any backup system. The only
thing that concerns me is the smoke it emits and when the wind shifts, you inhale
it. Can’t be good for you with all the
poison warnings on the wrapper.
Deliverance strayed from the trail
only for brief moments. He came back on recall every time. Although Zoey Pearl
dove right into the marsh and swam around its murky waters, D played it safe
and only followed the shoreline getting just his paws wet. He was content just
exploring the bush.
I read, read again and read some
more. Need a change of pace from Anne Rule’s true crime novels. I’ve now read
so many murder scenarios I have a bit more thoughts for my own book (totally
fictional). What I have noticed from the
more recent books she has published is the word smithing aspect of her writing.
A lot of the unusual choices of words she uses I have never heard. Still I like
a challenge to investigate her variations of choice in describing things. It is
part entertaining for me to read her work and part educational. She has some
wonderful ways of describing her characters and scenes.I never have time to just curl up
with a good book so this is my chance to do it.
Dinner was heavenly with Chicken
Alfredo and a side salad. I topped it off with a cup of tea before taking the
dogs for a walk over to the boat launch. A couple of ducks quacked their hellos
from the middle of the lake. Zoey Pearl was wishing they could just swim a
little closer so she could retrieve them. No luck I’m afraid. D showed some
interest in them as well but his fear of a vanishing lake bottom prevented him
for even entertaining the idea of fetch.
I resumed reading again getting
the fire pit ready for my evening blaze of flames and orange ambers. I have
another movie to put on. The natural light is slowly drifting off into dusk so
I will return to my camp fire and evening entertainment. D is sleeping on his
mat beside my chair and the campfire. It’s been a busy day for all of us.
Tomorrow I’m off to find fuel for the truck that is getting very thirsty. I
hope the gauge is accurate and I make it to Minden ok. I should have left Orono
with a full tank instead of half a tank like I usually do. Stupid, stupid,
stupid me.
Years ago we got stranded with Big Blue our other medium duty towing vehicle. We had the six horse trailer full and were heading home late from a horse show. There were no gas stations opened so we were hoping we could make it. That didn’t happen. We were stranded on the side of a lonely very dark road. It’s a long story, but one thing you never ever do, is let a diesel truck run empty. You can’t just put fuel in the tank and turn the key. It is a very complicated and expensive process to get the truck running again. I should know better.
Years ago we got stranded with Big Blue our other medium duty towing vehicle. We had the six horse trailer full and were heading home late from a horse show. There were no gas stations opened so we were hoping we could make it. That didn’t happen. We were stranded on the side of a lonely very dark road. It’s a long story, but one thing you never ever do, is let a diesel truck run empty. You can’t just put fuel in the tank and turn the key. It is a very complicated and expensive process to get the truck running again. I should know better.
July 4, 2013
I had a horrible sleepless night.
I thought I had forgotten to pack my sleep meds. I have a very disturbing sleep
disorder that was diagnosed several years ago at a sleep clinic. I need muscle
relaxers to send me off into deep sleep. Otherwise I am just under the surface
and awake to the slightest noise of bit of light. Last night I tried in vain to
fall asleep. Usually reading helps but not last night. I can tell you how a
night in the forest goes from dusk to dawn. There was an annoying bull frog
that kept bellowing all night. You could time his croaks. About every 20-30
seconds he would inflate himself and burp out his call. I was tempted to find a
fishing net and flashlight. It would have been great to scoop him up and move
him to the other side of the lake.
The hours ticked by, 1:30 am, 2
am, 3am, 4 am, 5 am. By this time the sky started to shed its curtain of night
and allow the new day to emerge. Birds started to sing and the bull frog
finally accepted his laryngitis and was quiet. By 6 am the work trucks of the
day started rolling in. I finally got to doze off into a light sleep. I hate
that type of sleep. I always have nightmares when that happens. I dreamt that I
was lost and couldn’t find my way home. I walked for hours on deserted streets
looking for anything familiar. I’m sure my feet were walking in my sleep as the
dream took on a realistic hopeless feeling of abandonment. I was struggling
when I finally awoke at 9:30 am. A light sprinkling over the tent signaled
rain. By chance I found my pills in my clothing bag. Tonight I will take one.
After a short simple breakfast of
English crumpets and a cup of coffee, I fed the dogs before taking them for the
morning constitution. A lone loon stationed itself in the centre of the lake.
It was a magnificent icon of the forest and wetlands. How majestic it looked in
its solitary moment as it paddled and drifted with the slow moving currents of
the lake.
The truck was packed and I rolled
out of the site with great impulsion. The hill is loose fill and steep. Toot
(my truck) doesn’t care for the terrain and protests with spinning wheels as it
snakes it way up. The speed has to be sufficient or the dual tires dig ruts
into the path of travel. It is dangerous to boot it up the hill as there is a
bend in the main road just where my drive exits. I did have to slam on the
brakes at the top of the incline. Sure enough a truck was coming around the
Off we drove cautiously with a
fuel deprived tank. I turned off the air condition and rolled the windows down.
I slipped my foot of the gas pedal going down hills to save fuel. I keep the
speed moderated as I followed the windy and hilly road to West Guilford. When I
reached the small village of unmentioned population, I rolled into the only gas
station hoping they would have diesel fuel. They did! I put $150 in the tank
and the gauge read full. I could relax now and drive more at the speed limit.
On to Minden we went. After a brief stop of the Canadian Tire Store, I headed
back to camp. The gas gauge dropped to just under ¼ tank. It must be the hills
that eat the fuel like candy on a Halloween night.
As usual Taboo draws a crowd
wherever we go. Not too many people are used to seeing two large dogs, a parrot
riding shotgun and an old lady driving a big medium duty truck (not a pick up)
with a train whistle. I got a lot of waves and comments. This time was no
different. The gas attendants just had to tell how wonderful it was to see such
a lovely bird go camping no less. They were both stunned and amazed. Taboo drew
similar attention in the Canadian Tire parking lot. “Is that a Cockatoo?” one
gentleman asked. I responded to the affirmative. “Beautiful bird!” he exclaimed
as his eyes sparkled in amazement. “Thank you and yes he is quite the bird.” I
responded. Little do they know the story of Bruiser eh.
Back at camp I settled back into
my book and finished it. The noise from the road is annoying with many cars and
trailers rolling by. It is a disadvantage being so close to base camp. You get
all the traffic coming in. Then two sites down there is a young family with a
very yappy little dog. Mine are angels with just the occasional bark at
passersby. Even Taboo is silent. Then a chain saw groaned away. That damn bull
frog was at it again. I finally resigned myself to the fact I had no control
over the volume of disturbances, so I retired to my tent for a while.
A quick shower lasting 20 minutes
brought some relief from the mugginess of the day. Steam rose from the sandy
soil as tall cedars kept an umbrella over my picnic table. It was the only
thing more or less dry.
Tonight I treated myself to a rib
eye steak. Ummm Ummm good. I washed it down with a glass of Merlot. I eat better
on vacation than I do at home. Must be something in that campfire smokey air
that plays havoc with your senses of taste and smell.
I started a campfire to dry my
chair out after a late afternoon rain. It is starting to mist over again with a
dash of moisture falling from the skies. I have my rain coat hanging over my
computer right now to protect it while I dash in a few more keystrokes. The
dogs have had their evening walk. The noses pressed hard to the dirt like a
hound dog on a scent. I’m ready to settle down to a movie by the fire. It will
be an earlier night tonight as I roll into my bed for a long dreamless night. D
will join Zoey Pearl in the truck tonight with Taboo. He’s a good boy, but he
takes up a lot of room on my Queen size bed. Often he sleeps where I stretch
out. So for tonight I will be dogless in my tent. Don’t worry, I keep my keys
with me and if some marauding creature should sniff around my tent, I can use
the truck alarm to frighten it away. Besides, I know that the two dogs in the
truck just a few feet from my tent with also sound alarms.
July 5th
My campfire was short lived last
night. The firemen arrived from above and doused the roaring flames that
engulfed the logs in my rock fortress. I took cover in the truck after
gathering all the delicate electronics and putting them in dry shelter. I then
finished watching my movie in the comfort of “Toot.” The rain had lifted by the
time I entered my tent for the evening. I grabbed my little pill so I would
finally have a good night’s rest. After 20 minutes of reading, I could feel the
effects and decided it wouldn’t be long now before I melted into sleep. I
turned the last page and closed my book. I extinguished the lamp and rolled
over under the covers.
Morning came with a bit of
sunshine to smile on the day. When I emerged from my sleeping den, the earth
was damp. My carefully dried out chair was once again soaked in rain. Where to
sit? Then I had a light bulb moment and put on my rain gear. At least my jeans
and underwear would stay dry.
Today I have a number of things
planned. I’m going to the Wolf Center and see how the remaining wolves are
doing since that terrible night on New Year’s Eve when some idiot or idiots
decided it would be fun to release the captive wolves into certain death on the
loose. It was a well-orchestrated plan. It was obvious from police
investigations that the person or persons unknown had studied the compound and
patterns of employees. They chose to cut the outer perimeter fence which at one
area meets closely to the inner containment fence. Their cut created a large
gap for the wolves to escape.
To summarize, after weeks of trying to locate, live trap and/or entice them back into the compound with food, two of the mature wolves were shot to death and left on the roadside. A couple of more seemed to have survived the winter. The sad part of this whole event was that the young wolves from last year’s litter were left alone to fend for themselves. Although not confirmed, they believe this was the work of an animal rights group who obviously decided that death by a car hit, starvation or wounded by bullet only to die an agonizing death was better than living wild in a controlled environment of a large natural compound were their pack lived in harmony. This world renowned research center into wolf behavior and education suffered a terrible loss. Criminal charges are pending on anyone one of these culprits found responsible.
To summarize, after weeks of trying to locate, live trap and/or entice them back into the compound with food, two of the mature wolves were shot to death and left on the roadside. A couple of more seemed to have survived the winter. The sad part of this whole event was that the young wolves from last year’s litter were left alone to fend for themselves. Although not confirmed, they believe this was the work of an animal rights group who obviously decided that death by a car hit, starvation or wounded by bullet only to die an agonizing death was better than living wild in a controlled environment of a large natural compound were their pack lived in harmony. This world renowned research center into wolf behavior and education suffered a terrible loss. Criminal charges are pending on anyone one of these culprits found responsible.
I also want to take a look at the
young moose they are waiting to release back into the wild. It has lost an
antler. Hopefully as it grows, it will be able to cope with life in the woods
and be able to protect itself from predators.
I took the dogs for their walk
strolling by the campsite I had last year. It is occupied with a large trailer
and other such amenities. I think it must be leased now. Too bad. I really
liked that site.
I drove to the Wolf Center and
spent at least an hour. I talked with the tour guide and discovered a little
more to the story that developed on New Year’s Eve. To begin with, no suspects
have been arrested but the case is still on going with the OPP. The two wolves
shot were just a few yards from the main gate of the enclosure. Although not
known for sure, strong suspicion is that a local trapper who has a license for
wolf took them down. The only thing illegal was that it was in a protective
animal reserve. He has not come forward for obvious reasons. The one female
wolf survived for a 2 weeks before they found her near death on the side of the
road. Although all attempts to save her by a local veterinarian proved
fruitless. She died 48 hours later. She had sustained two gunshot wounds.
The one alpha female has not been
seen. Whether or not she survived the winter is purely speculation on anyone
part. Lone wolves very rarely live long without a pack for protection and
I had the guide identify my wolf
pictures from last summer. Poor Haida (black wolf) is the one lone wolf still
missing. The other wolf Grissom died sometime after this photo.
Haidi (missing) |
Grissom (deceased) |
The surviving pack is down to just
four wolves and no leaders. They are looking for a western timber wolf male to
introduce to the pack. They want to continue their research and educational
work here and now to rebuild the breeding program. I learned more about the
incestuous family life of the wolf and why packs are so distinct and separate.
Did you know in the wild a wolf’s personal space is 50,000 acres of territory
it calls its own and defends it. I can’t imagine we would ever be over
populated with wolves given this fact.
On the way back I went in search of Hershey,
the young moose in captivity soon to be released. After a bit of scouring the
brush in its super large enclosure, I found him resting near some trees. As you
talk to him, it is obvious he is use to human voices and appearances and
visitors. The wild side of him hasn’t come out yet and that’s a good thing.
Since he is still an adolescent, it is probably safe to be around him.
At the same area a group of hogs rested in their pen. Like Hershey, it is a very large pen with shelter. Two piglets came over to investigate my camera. I just had to name them Fred and Barney. (Fred being the white pig and more assertive with Barney the red spotted pig as the devote follower.) The large sow I named Wilma. So the whole Flintstone family with the rock rubble fence live next close by the Hershey.
At the same area a group of hogs rested in their pen. Like Hershey, it is a very large pen with shelter. Two piglets came over to investigate my camera. I just had to name them Fred and Barney. (Fred being the white pig and more assertive with Barney the red spotted pig as the devote follower.) The large sow I named Wilma. So the whole Flintstone family with the rock rubble fence live next close by the Hershey.
When I arrived back camp a family
of ducks paddle by my tent. A moma duck, a daddy duck and 8 little ducklings
stayed in formation as they swam around the shoreline. Now this was really
testing Zoey Pearl’s patience. She so badly wanted to go in and retrieve them.
D looked on with great interest as well. But D is more of the Sherlock Holmes
type dogs. He has to access all scenes of possible crime before he makes a
decision. Besides he has overcome his reluctance to just dive in.
Off to the boat launch with the
dogs for another brief visit. I took along my camera this time as I wanted to
get some photos of the wild iris in the water. I managed a few snaps of Zoey
and D as well.
Tonight’s menu was meatloaf and
garlic potatoes. I have to start gathering things up for my packing tomorrow
I took the dogs for one last swim
down at the launch. A group of young teens and a couple of camp counselors
supervised them. Zoey Pearl was in her element. There were lots of people to
throw sticks for her in the water. Time and time again she propelled herself
into the water like a torpedo chasing that sometimes elusive stick. She made a
big splash off the end of the dock bringing a whale of cheers from onlookers.
She totally submerged before rising to the top and swimming like mad to get the
object of her obsession. D on the other hand was just content receiving all the
pats from strangers. No way Josie was he chasing a stupid twig in deep water.
Got to be nuts to jump off a dock!
My last camp fire roared to life
as I hunkered down into my chair and watched a movie. Soon the evening would
wrap its arms of stillness and dark around all things visible. I kissed the sky
goodnight and fell fast asleep on my lovely bed and surrounded by flimsy nylon
walls and mosquito netting.
July 6th
I awoke to a bright sky and
sunshine. Now it was time to hustle and pack all things away in the storage
bins onboard Toot. With everything finally secure, I did one circle truck
inspection before climbing into the air ride seat and turning the ignition. Off
we went heading down to West Guilford where I was to meet Kaleigh and drive her
back to the farm with me. After a healthy feast of bacon and eggs, coffee and
toast, we climbed into the truck and made our way south. I was really looking
forward to having a refreshing shower, washing away the remnants of wood smoke,
perspiration, and just plan dirt. A week in the woods can make your skin crawl
so it is such a treat to have a good cleansing.
Amen to another year of camping.
Friday, June 21, 2013
KENNAN'S MEMORY a full life and more
It's been a quarter century since we made the long trip to Topeka, Kansas to pick up two Morgan mares for our future breeding and showing program sight unseen. My eye was on Kennan's Rhapsody, the elegant champion young show mare that would prove to be a stunning show horse in another country and even better champion producing broodmare.
Then there was little Memory. She was cute and small. The breeders had been disappointed that she wasn't going to mature much beyond 14.2. The size didn't matter to us as I was thinking of her as a driving horse. On paper she had a dream of a pedigree. She was by Fairfield Fortune out of Whitmor Memory Lane. When you looked at her with a critical eye to conformation, things came up a little short in the literal sense. She had a big body and short legs. But mother, could this horse trot and hold her own. When we were first introduced to them on our arrival at the Kennan farm, Memory's owner was hand feeding her. When she hesitated, Memory bit down hard on her arm demanding her treat. I took notice and wisely gauged that this mare would need some manners. Memory was two years old and Rhapsody was four. We loaded them up and headed north to Canada.
As the horses settled into their new home, we began to work with them. Memory was broke to harness and by the second season we hit the tanbark. Memory strutted the show arena and was runner up to her stablemate Rhapsody. Both mares were elegant driving horses but since Rhapsody had the better build, she won over Memory.
As a pleasure driving mare at home, just point her and she will go. There was a time when she trotted through a commercial sprinkler system that showered the roadway for approximately 300 feet. The sprinklers were crossing paths from one bed of seedlings to another separated by a narrow dirt road. Memory never missed a beat and drove straight and true right through the rain of sprinklers that dampened the roadway.
I hadn't planned on a breeding avenue for Memory but thought we might get lucky with the right nick. She was bred to two stallions during her life as an on again, off again broodmare. Trillium Samson and Serenity Intrigue were chosen as suitable mates. Samson went on to be our leading sire at the farm. The elder Intrigue, a full brother to the legendary Val's Terry (18 times world champion) left us many wonderful offspring, both champions and wonderful talented friends. Both sires took the best of Memory and combined their own attributes producing a number of champions for us. One of Memory's offspring by Serenity Intrigue resides in Scotland.
At one point she gave birth to twins. The filly, Trillium Spring Promise, survived and went on to great things.
During her tenure as a broodmare, Memory also fostered another foal while nursing her own. The tiny partbred filly had been rejected by her dam who also threatened this newborn with death. Memory's own foal was just two weeks old and seemed to be the only option for this filly to survive. With very little intervention, Memory accepted the foal along with her own foal Trillium Evening Primrose and raised the two to weaning stage.
Late in her teens, Memory was introduced to riding. After years of being a driving lesson horse we decided to expand her resume of talents. She would become a great walk/trot horse for children and small adults. As our beginner horses passed on, Memory was move up the chain. Today she is our beginner horse and at 27 she shows no signs of letting up.She seen the arena as a showmanship horse, walk/trot horse, leadline horse, driving horse, in hand horse and breed demo horse. She has been a teacher, mother, clinician horse and babysitter. She has done it all and done it well.
Then there was little Memory. She was cute and small. The breeders had been disappointed that she wasn't going to mature much beyond 14.2. The size didn't matter to us as I was thinking of her as a driving horse. On paper she had a dream of a pedigree. She was by Fairfield Fortune out of Whitmor Memory Lane. When you looked at her with a critical eye to conformation, things came up a little short in the literal sense. She had a big body and short legs. But mother, could this horse trot and hold her own. When we were first introduced to them on our arrival at the Kennan farm, Memory's owner was hand feeding her. When she hesitated, Memory bit down hard on her arm demanding her treat. I took notice and wisely gauged that this mare would need some manners. Memory was two years old and Rhapsody was four. We loaded them up and headed north to Canada.
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Sire, Fairfield Fortune |
As a pleasure driving mare at home, just point her and she will go. There was a time when she trotted through a commercial sprinkler system that showered the roadway for approximately 300 feet. The sprinklers were crossing paths from one bed of seedlings to another separated by a narrow dirt road. Memory never missed a beat and drove straight and true right through the rain of sprinklers that dampened the roadway.
I hadn't planned on a breeding avenue for Memory but thought we might get lucky with the right nick. She was bred to two stallions during her life as an on again, off again broodmare. Trillium Samson and Serenity Intrigue were chosen as suitable mates. Samson went on to be our leading sire at the farm. The elder Intrigue, a full brother to the legendary Val's Terry (18 times world champion) left us many wonderful offspring, both champions and wonderful talented friends. Both sires took the best of Memory and combined their own attributes producing a number of champions for us. One of Memory's offspring by Serenity Intrigue resides in Scotland.
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Trillium Samson |
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Serenity Intrigue |
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Trillium Spring Promise out of Kennan's Memory |
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Trillium Precious Memory with Kennan's Memory |
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Trillium Whisper O Spring with Kennan's Memory |
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Trillium Intrigue's Spirit with Kennan's Memory |
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Trillium Cameo Silhouette out of Kennan's Memory |
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Trillium Evening Primrose out of Kennan's Memory |
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Orphan Annie (left) - Trillium Evening Primrose (right) |
Late in her teens, Memory was introduced to riding. After years of being a driving lesson horse we decided to expand her resume of talents. She would become a great walk/trot horse for children and small adults. As our beginner horses passed on, Memory was move up the chain. Today she is our beginner horse and at 27 she shows no signs of letting up.She seen the arena as a showmanship horse, walk/trot horse, leadline horse, driving horse, in hand horse and breed demo horse. She has been a teacher, mother, clinician horse and babysitter. She has done it all and done it well.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
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One Grateful Pigeon |
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Found |
I got a muck rake and tried lowering that down but alas the handle was not long enough. I then managed to find the broom with the telescope handle. At last, I could reach to the bottom. I talked soothingly to the frightened bird as I attempted to get beneath it with the broom and try hauling it up against one of the walls. Rats... it didn't work. So I went to the linen closet and retrieved a towel and wrapped it around the broom. Down it went into the blackness. I located the bird with my flashlight and after a bit of fishing, The little bird grabbed onto the towel as I gradually lifted the bird up. Steady as she goes. Just like a slow moving elevator, we finally reached the top floor. I gently grabbed the bird with one hand and brought it out into the daylight of the stable.\
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Coming Up |
It was thin and dehydrated. I scooped up some water from Limited Edition's water bucket with one hand and offered it to the scared bird. It drank like no tomorrow. I kept cupping my hand with water and it continued to drink heartily. When it had had enough, it climbed to my shoulder and buried its head in my neck. It was as if the little bird was saying THANK YOU. It nudged and my face and went for my mouth as it peeped its concerns. It was hungry too.
I decided to take it home and soak some duck pellet food in warm water for it.
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Ummm. Not Bad |
Friday, May 10, 2013
MY AFRICA - SENSUOUSLY WILD (diary of my adventures in Africa)
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The Old Lion who Sprung to Life in the Night Hunt |
AFRICA the land of
Smoke and Thunder, where the natives say that Africans have time; everyone else
wears watches. It is the oldest place on
earth, sheltering relics of prehistoric times, predators with the swiftness of
foot and silence of death. It is without
modesty or privation. It is brutal and
real. It is a land of solitary hunters and closeness of kin. It is of blazing sun, cool nights and calming
waters. It is of constant danger and
unyielding beauty. It is a pace of life
that is measured in two speeds; turtle like slowness and Cheeta flashes of
speed. There is no middle ground for a
comfortable jog of hoof or foot.
It is a land of wide smiles, tender hands, pleasantries and
chefs of gourmet wonderment. It is a
land of meat eaters where vegetarians will soon hunger. This Africa
is survival. No one person can leave Africa
without being changed emotionally with fear, sadness, friendship and the awe of
its beauty. It humanizes us, opens our
eyes to the simple uncomplicated meaning of life and death. It draws us back with just the mention of its
name. It is one place on this great
earth that everyone should be so lucky as to enter its realm and be changed forever.
Africa has become my
sobering reality and constant reminder of what life is – a wonderful gift that
we should cherish and share our good fortune with all of life’s inhabitants,
human and animal alike. It encompasses
all masses and forms of life, harmonizing every being with the next and finding
a place for every creature under its hot African sun, unrivaled sunsets and
star lit nights.
We all belong to this Africa,
our birthplace of humanity and keepers of its wildlife. Let us go forth and better this world as only
we humans can do, for Africa has shown us the
truth, the light and the finality of death without the incumbencies of meaningless
wealth and greed that ultimately destroy us with false happiness as we collect
THINGS and not goodness of soul. Next time you hear or see the word Africa, be transformed and let giving and goodness enrich
your life and others; instead of collecting and keeping. Amen for Africa.
At the time of this writing I should almost be sitting,
comfortably in seat 40A of a South African air bus. Instead, I’m writing this note from yet
another hotel room in Washington. As I have said previously, nothing ever
goes smoothly when I travel no matter how hard I try and plan for the
I rose leisurely this morning after a good night sleep,
eager for the long travel day ahead. I
ate a reasonable breakfast then packed up the few things I had taken from my
suitcase the night before and headed to the lobby of the hotel. I decided to ease myself down into the comfee
arm chair and read my novel for a while.
Once in a while, some meeting room participants would break from a
session. Their voice levels were raised
just enough to disturb the rather tranquil atmosphere, distracting me from my
concentration. Before long, I was
heading outdoors under the canopy waiting to catch the courtesy shuttle bus to Dulles Airport. It dutifully arrived on time and I pressed
down into the seat for the short 10 min. trip to the airport.
With passport and tickets in hand, I approached the rather
disserted South African Airways counter to check in some four hours ahead of my
scheduled flight. I passed my
documentation over to the ticket agent.
The attendant readily informed me, “with much regret”, that the flight
was cancelled! Now what?? They were providing me hotel accommodations
with explicit instructions to report back to the airport for 8 am
tomorrow. I was asked to retrieve items
I might need for the overnight stay and then my luggage would be weighed and
tagged right then and there. I had
everything organized in my luggage and rummaged through for a tube of
toothpaste and a tooth brush. I wasn’t
unpacking my whole suitcase on the floor at the ticket desk. Other passengers looked horrified when they too
were informed of the change in plans as they trickled in.
I called my tour operator and told her the problem. I asked her to get in contact with the person
who was to meet me at the airport tomorrow afternoon (their time) and give them
the change in flights. Not only did I
spend an extra $300 in flight change and $300 in hotel accommodation so that I
wouldn’t be exhausted for the long flight today, it was all for nothing as I
will be a guest of the Hilton tonight. I
will also miss a day in Sun City which I was
really looking forward too. Not much I can do without wings!
We all tottered with sluggish disappointed onto the next shuttle
bus, minus our checked baggage of course.
The couple I sat next to where returning home to South Africa and a lady opposite me was catching
a safari out of Botswana. It isn’t the same one I’m booked for, but who
knows, we might meet up again. To break
up the sullen quietness on the bus, my cell phone rang with its distinct
“whinny”. Everyone on the bus started
whinnying back and we all felt much better with a little humour to help soften
our discouragement.
So for tonight, I will wash out my undees in the basin and
use the hairdryer in the hotel to dry them.
As for a nightwear, I’m afraid it will have to be my birthday suit.
Since there is nothing in walking distance to visit, shop or
explore, and since I’m 50 minutes away from downtown Washington, tours of historical sites are
out of the question at this late afternoon.
Instead, I decided to walk the hotel parking lot for some exercise. That is the extent of my touristy visit of
this great state. Sorry George, you
won’t get the pleasure of my company on this trip. I’ll have to catch the White House another
time and maybe when there is a new President in the House. Oops, maybe not politically correct for me to
express my prediction.
Will report back whenever…
You can send me e-mails and I will eventually be able to
read them. (Hopefully, if nothing else
goes array.
Saturday, 11:17 a.m., South African Airways flight 208 tilts
its noise to the air and takes flight.
The previous flights to South
Africa had been cancelled twice as a result
of a leaking fuel tank that needed emergency repair. Since I don’t swim very
well, it’s good that the trouble was spotted long before we were airborne. (I’m
certain mom and her little angel wings are making sure I have a safe trip.)
After a quiet night and early rise to meet the shuttle, this
was one flight I didn’t want to miss. As
misadventure would happen, when I went to check in through security, I was told
my carry on could not go with me. I had
just purchased a carry-on on wheels to make life easier for me during the long
waits in the airport. I was turned back
to the registration desk. I approached
the SA desk with trepidation, as a small group of bored passengers assembled
around the vacant SA reception desk. It
was now 7:15 am with the scheduled flight to depart at 10 a.m. By 8:10 a.m., everyone was getting a little
anxious since we all needed time to pass through security. Most of us already had our boarding passes,
but our hand luggage was the problem.
Finally, it was my turn to approach the agent and explained to her the
situation. I unpacked my computer and
carry-on purse and checked the now empty suitcase, except for a tube of tooth
paste and brush.
Luckily, there wasn’t much of a line-up for security when I
approached the security area. But with
Murphy’s Law strongly on my side, my hand luggage was pulled for
inspection. I knew that neck cushion
with the massage unit would most likely pose a problem for inspectors. I deliberately left the item unzipped for
easy inspection, with batteries taken out.
The bag got the total inspection examination. Finally, I was cleared to go to my departure gate.
As I walked in the direction of my gate following the very
good signage I might add, I realized my boarding pass was absent. I turned heal and walked back to the security
area once more. The agent that had
searched my luggage was busy checking other passengers. I hailed a passing security agent and asked
if I might please have my boarding pass that was in plain sight of me on the
desk. Without complaint, she complied
and handed me the pass. Finally, I could
check in for boarding after walking the countless moving sidewalks.
I immediately recognized faces from the day before. I had struck up a conversation with a widow
from Virginia (originally from Sweden)
yesterday. The service in the hotel
restaurant the night before was atrocious.
So poor in fact, it took and hour and a half before I finally got my
bill in a half-empty restaurant. Ann
Marie, the widow from Virginia,
wasn’t having any luck either. She
surmised that her baby lamb rack was cooling on the stainless steel counter
back in the kitchen. Since the head
waiter supervisor ignored her hand signals for assistance, her booming accented
voice took over. The cackling of voice
and clatter of utensils were silenced as the now summoned ‘big cahoona’ made
his way immediately to Ann Marie.
Without a due, her delicious presentation of roast baby lamb rack
appeared on her table miraculously. She
could see I was having the same sort of problem getting any service. I only wanted a cup of coffee and rather than
having Ann Marie call out on my behalf, I walked directly to the reservation
desk and asked politely if I may have a coffee and the bill. The head waiter immediately went to my
assistance as I sat down and chatted with Ann Marie for a spell.
Although Anne Marie’s unorthodox approach to getting service
may have seen a bit radical, she did praise the staff and chef for cooking such
an exquisite meal. All was forgiven in
the end.
We were all secured on the trolley taking us to the
plane. Ann Marie sat next to me with a
fellow originally from Zimbabwe
on the other side. We had chatted up
quite the storm and were enjoying each others’ company. As the bus approached the airbus on the
tarmac, it quietly came to rest a few feet from it. As the minutes slowly ticked away, everyone
was becoming over-heated on the non-air conditioned stuffy vehicle. I pulled my trusty fan out of my purse and
cooled down a few of immediate fellow passengers. They were most grateful. One gentleman looked like he was going to
faint and I told him he couldn’t, as the plane would be delayed yet again. He smiled and willingly took my fan for a few
moments of supple breeze. It was obvious
that our flight at 10 a.m. was yet delayed for the umpteenth time. After 20 sweltering moments, we finally
boarded the air bus. I was getting my
first introduction to Africa with the distinct
tones and dialect of returning South Africans and Zimbabweans. It was delightful and entertaining listening
to the native converse in their comfortable lingo.
I look forward to receiving news from home.
Take care…
The flight lasted some 15 hours and was uneventful. I watched a total of 3 movies, read, wrote
and curled in the fetal position in a vain attempt to sleep. Although the plane was near capacity, I was
one of the few that had a vacant seat beside me. After hours of trying to squirm my way into a
somewhat acceptable position, I decided to lie on the floor between my seat and
the next. At this rate I wasn’t trying
to navigate the seat belts that kept digging into all soft tissue with annoying
discomfort. I’m sure Sherri wouldn’t
have approved, but at this point I didn’t care.
We finally landed in Jo Burg, the local term for Johannesburg. I made my way through customs and collected my
luggage. As promised, someone was there
to meet me, holding a large sign with “Miss Sampson” displayed in large
letters. Well at least I was being
called “Miss” now and not “Madame”. Although
the information he had been given about my flight change from the agency was
wrong, he decided to wait a little longer in case my flight did in fact come
in. I was soon handed over to a very
friendly chap named December for the 2.5 hour ride to Sun
December, as it turned out, was given the name by the family
who his parents worked for. It was, is
(?) the custom for the employer to name the black children. Since he was born on Christmas Day, he
inherited the name December. As is the
tragedy in Africa, both his parents are
deceased and now he must make his way in this world on his own.
The main roadway is a two-lane affair with only a small
shoulder to ease over to give way for someone who wanted to pass. Traveling at 120 km, they waste no time, but
there is also little traffic to content with at least on Sundays. It’s a little tough getting use to driving on
the wrong side of the road. I tend to
want to get in the driver’s seat, mistaking it for the passenger side.
Poverty abounds as the VW van travels the flat straight road
to Sun City, a gaited complex specifically
designed for the tourist trade. On
route, I observe that there are no fences to restrict the cattle, so everywhere
cattle crossing signs appear, much like our deer or moose crossing signs. Although this region has its dire economy,
the people look relatively well fed, including their animals. The tin shacks they call home, dot the
landscape of this bush country. Even
though these people are poor, a great community spirit has roots here according
to December, and the crime rate is almost non-existent in these areas unlike
the larger urban centers. He himself had
come from such a life and is beginning to prosper. After an hour or so of listening to the
different languages, I was getting use to the English version, especially the
word “yes” pronounced yeh’s. The Dutch
translation is “yah”.
As the van cruises along the two lane super highway, huge
billboard type signs are erected in strategic locations along route. It is not the usual type of advertising that
one would see at home. These large print
signs display Funeral services at reasonable rates.
The sad statistics rate the average age of Africans here a
mean of 42 years, with Aids being the #1 killer. As I would soon discover, every washroom I
would enter has a generous supply of free condoms in an attempt to stem the
rise of this deadly epidemic.
As the van continues in an unbroken straight line, other
billboard signs erupt on the landscape with messages of safe-sex. This disease is without doubt, more dangerous
than any of Africa’s Big Five.
I finally arrived at my destination and secured my large
suite at the Sun City Hotel. The views
are quite magnificent and I hope to post these on the photo site. I managed to grab a few hours sleep before
touring the complex. Unfortunately, I
have to leave in the morning so my chance for a hot air balloon ride has been
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Dinner at the Palace |
Tonight, I had reservations for dinner at the castle. The opulence is overwhelming. What grandeur! I was treated with old world grace and
charm. I was always addressed as Mrs.
Sampson before they ever asked a polite question. I was treated like a millionaire. I felt a little humbled by the whole
experience with ladies descending the two grand staircases in elegant evening gowns
with their partners sporting snow white suits.
With the abject poverty I had seen earlier, I felt a little guilty being
treated so finely. Still the Africans have been well trained for
their posts in such grand fashion. They
are extremely polite, helpful and always service with a smile. This is such a contrast from our North
American experiences. Tomorrow it is
back to Johannesburg.
I am not certain how much longer I will be able to e-mail
home. My power converters don’t fit the
plugs here. It might be just the way the
complex is wired. I have to purchase
wireless e-mail downstairs, so hopefully you will all receive this
transmission. I still have about 60%
battery life left in this computer battery and a fully charged one to keep
going. Hopefully, I will have power at
some time.
I look forward to receiving news from home.
Take care…
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Entry Hall at the Palace |
After spending a delightful tour of the local aviary and
capturing some fantastic pictures with my trusty digital, I caught the van just
in time to take me back to Johannesburg. I was so pleased to see December waiting for
me with a handshake and smile as I climbed into the front seat looking for the
phantom steering wheel.
We chatted for a while.
I didn’t get a glimpse well enough of the other passengers, but my
little jokes were met with silence. Now
I know how a comedian feels when his routine isn’t going well. However, December laughed at everything,
especially the saying “put the pedal to the metal” which he thought was
hilarious. One guest that sat behind me
with some sort of European foreign accent asked “You’re not American are you?” My reply of course was - NO Canadian,
eh. She thought the accent wasn’t
When most of us disembarked from the van at the same hotel,
I caught on why there was so much dead pan faces and silence behind me. It was a group of Asian tourist. I don’t think they understood me at all.
The hotel I’m reserved at is lovely and spacious. The Rosebank Hotel is situated at the very
trendy “Richie” section of the city.
Sherri would love shopping for shoes here!
After a light lunch pool-side, I leisurely strolled the few
blocks to the shopping area. There is
security everywhere, including razor fencing to keep out the undesirables’. It was here I did a bit of souvenir hunting,
with every vendor begging me to buy something.
I did purchase a few interesting items at most likely outrages prices. Since I read it was impolite to haggle over
a price, I didn’t offer. When I went to
leave, all of a sudden the price dropped dramatically. So much for politeness I guess. I needed Helen with me on that shopping
I managed to get a power converter at a luggage shop that
actually works here. As a lesson to
anyone else who might be traveling to SA in the near future, buy the converters
there. Don’t waste your time and money
at home. Even though the converters I
purchased at home were marked for Africa and
several other countries, SA is an exception.
Most of these multi-plug converters use the British pattern which is
again different from SA. I am happy to
report that I can now recharge the lap top which I am typing on at the moment
while it is charging. That would be a
disaster if I lost power. I’ve managed
to save all my photos to the PC and uploaded some yesterday until I couldn’t
re-enter “photo-site” for some reason.
It is tricky using technology overseas.
Tomorrow I’m off to Soweto
to see one of the two very transverse ways of life. From the very wealthy to the desperately
poor, I hope to record in my journal the experience I come away with.
My morning itinerary takes me to the home of Winnie Mandela,
Bishop Tutu and the former home of Nelson Mendela all heroes in SA and globally,
with the exception of the little black sheep in the family, Winnie.
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Nelson Mandel's home |
In the afternoon, I will be visiting some of the wealthiest
estates in South Africa
including the affluent northern suburbs.
Mixed into the touring will be a history lesson on South Africa’s
Supreme Court system and the symbolism of Ghandi Square. From there we are scheduled to arrive at the
Market Theatre and Museum Afrika. “Yehs”
it should be a very interesting day.
The morning shines bright under the African sky as we head
out to visit the other side of Africa that is
sheltered from the more affluent eyes of the world. Soweto awaits
us as we travel back into South
Africa’s troubled past whose wounds still abound
in poverty and disease. Soweto
means South West
Township and was created to house the
many blacks that worked in the gold mines of Johannesburg.
It was designed as a barrier to keep the blacks from encroaching on the
mainly white city residents of the city proper. Its Dutch immigrant rulers wanted to protect
themselves from the ignorance of the poor native population. This was in fact probably the first racist
and segregation practice employed.
As we approach the “millionaire” row that the blacks now
inhabit in Soweto,
the tour guides awe at the magnificent homes that have evolved from the rubble
of human suffering. To put it into perspective,
our aging farm house would be an absolute palace in comparison. Tiny, yet large by SA standards, the streets
still harbour abandon rubbish, with plastic bags strewn about like giant
balloon in naked trees and other litter scattered among the dead grasses and
shrub plants that dot the hillsides.
As you travel the short distance further into Soweto, the “middle
class” section appears. They are very
modest homes with tin roofs. Across the
street is more of the getto type housing with no sewers and sporadic communal
water stations, portable pot-a-porris are seen in strategic locations
throughout, something new to the area.
As the mini van navigates the tired roads we come to the
more well known residence of Winnie Mandela.
Its massive wall and bullet proof windows grant her some
protection. A little further along we
come to the humble home and beginnings of Nelson Mandela. It is small, cramped and shivering cold in
You can easily see why his people love him so much as he
gave up his life as a respected lawyer to be sentenced to life in prison
charged with treason. This peacemaker of
South Africa
and his struggle for his fellow countrymen’s independence came with a heavy
sacrifice. And today, life is better in South Africa because of him, even though you
can’t imagine it after visiting Soweto. It was depressingly worse in years past.
As you drive into the depths of Soweto, the shanties begin to appear in large
roaming numbers. It is hard to imagine
living in such conditions. These people
have nothing but pride and religion to give them some strength in their daily
lives. The hopelessness tugs heavily on
their spirit and despair is everywhere.
The driver takes us to the largest church in SA. From the pulpit of this Roman Catholic
church, Desmond Tuto often spoke to his people.
The Anglican priest found sanctity in the place of worship, the only
legal building that people were allowed to gather, as the Dutch respected the
church as well and would not violate it with gun fire. It became a haven for free speech.
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Memorial to First Victim of Soweto Uprising |
It’s been a full day of errands before boarding the Rovos
Rail tomorrow. I started the day with a
40 min. drive from Johannesburg to Pretoria. The driver was a rather sour puss; pre-senior,
white fellow who never said two words to me the entire trip. My eyelids grew heavy with boredom as the
kilometers clicked away. He was the most
unpleasant chap I have had to experience.
I usually get the good looking young black males who are most
chatty. For some reason I got stuck with
the “old fart”.
I settled into my classy suite at the Court Classique and
found in short order that my telephone in my room didn’t work. I eventually was able to make contact with
home for the first time, via the hotel reception desk. I tried in vain once more to get connected
with the wireless and it certainly remained “less”. My PC can’t find the frequency so it is
rather useless. Everyone here is
clicking away on their keyboards while mine remains silent. After still more frustration, I decided to
grab a quick bite before taking the courtesy shuttle van to the huge mall here
in Pretoria.
It was a hustle bustle place and very confusing to find your
way around. The main thing I had to
remember was finding entrance 7 in order to meet my chauffer at precisely 3:45
pm. My mission began.
First I located the post office so I could mail my excess
luggage back home and lighten the load of my suitcases. I decided to dispense with the converter
plugs that didn’t work, as well as the chargers, books, some clothing and
various other items of no consequence.
Once I was finished with the post office, I tried in vain to
find the currency exchange. This mall
has several levels with twists and turns that sometimes lead to dead ends. After an hour of walking aimlessly around
this immense structure and after asking a number of shopkeepers, I finally
found the place. I needed to exchange
some US dollars for Rand so that I can keep on
tipping. It is amazing how quickly you
go through the Rand. It isn’t of much value and I’m still guessing
at the acceptable tipping fees.
Once I finished with that, I had five minutes to find
entrance 7 and meet the appointed driver.
As I stole away in my mind earlier key landmarks of where I might find
entrance 7, I finally retrieved the scrap paper mental notes and made it back
up the many levels to the appropriate place.
Looking for a chauffer with a yellow tie with African animals on it was
my only clue. I approached a young man
who seemed to fit the description and was relieved to find out that he indeed
was my driver. Off to the hotel we went.
Even though we were in rush hour traffic, The “beamer” still
cruised along for the most part of 100 km/hr.
They think this is bad. They
haven’t experienced the Don Valley Parking Lot or the 401 at rush hour. Oh,
for Brian, in South Africa BMW means “Break My Window”. It is the most sought after car for thieves
here, next to the Audi and Volkswagen.
Those are the three big car companies here. The only people that can afford them are the
wealthy folk or businesses. I’ve seen just one Chevy and a few Japanese
cars and trucks.
Upon arrival at the hotel, I made a vain attempt at trying
to have someone from Dell Computers walk me through my wireless problem over
the phone. I had copied down the tech
support number from the yellow pages in Johannesburg
in the event that someone might just be able to assist me. The hotel set me up in a conference room with
my lap top in hand. For the next hour,
the technician tried in vain to get my PC to accept the connection. His only resolve was that it couldn’t pick up
the frequency. Everything seemed to be
in proper working order. So there you have
it. A brand new PC purchased especially
for this trip in which I cannot communicate!
I can tell you, I’m not too impressed with Dell Computers anymore.
It was like living in the 70s again when I first traveled to
by myself, using the post office to mail home stuff and writing out postcards
to everyone; phoning from the hotel lobby, minus my calling card that didn’t
work either. This is the exact same
routine I followed back then. So much
for technology! Still, I can input on
the computer, watch a movie when I don’t understand the tribal language on TV
and copy my photos for safekeeping. That
is something I couldn’t do back in the 70s.
I decided that I wasn’t going to let technology ruin my
trip. So if and when you received this
diary, just remember to always take along pen and paper and a good old fashion
camera. Even the telephones here are a
challenge, so forget your cell and calling cards.
After my futile attempt at inspiring my PC to pick up the
satellite connection, I settled down to a glass of African lager. Now you know I’m not generally a beer
drinker, but this stuff wasn’t half bad.
I was thirsty to say the least and it hit the spot. I was amused by a trio of ducks that strolled
on the walkways, through an open portion of the lobby and back out into their
little stream of water and plants that mot the entrance to the lobby. The amorous drake was feeling frisky with the
hen. Dodo behind just carried on without
them; supposedly not in the mood.
Tonight I sampled the Ostrich in dark red wine. The owner of the wine cellar and bistro
paused a while at my table engaging me in conversation. As he put it, I was about to learn a little
unknown Canadian history. He went on to
tell me how SA sent over lumberjacks and pine cones to help establish our weed
ridden hills. When he was done, I
replied, “thanks for the fable” to which he heartily laughed. He soon returned with his mock up business card,
writing his name as “Sir Cedric”. As he
sauntered away, he said to me, “and in case you forget what I look like, my
photo is on the back.” I curiously
flipped over the card to reveal the head of a lion. Very nice I remarked as the flirting
proprietor had the last laugh.
I have been very impressed with the flavour of the dishes
served here. They are quite
remarkable. I’ve never eaten pumpkin as
a vegetable, so the chef and I were exchanging recipes. I told her that pumpkin is used in pies as a
dessert. She had never heard of such a
thing and was going to try it with some nutmeg and brown sugar. As for
my main course dinner, I’ll never look at an Ostrich again in the same
light. Their meat is like beef and
unlike any poultry I have ever tasted.
Very good I might add.
As the evening progressed, I chuckled to myself as the drake
seem very boisterous this evening, paddling by in his little mot river, his
noble green feathered head raised just a touch higher.
Just the same, I am only eating very small amounts of
everything, just in case I get that vengeful nasty visitor better known as traveler’s
diarrhea. I have even eaten fresh fruit
salad and took a wee bit of fresh salad the other night for the first time. So far so good!
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Rail Station |
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Steam Powered |
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Interior of my private Cabin |
Chug, chug, chug, puff, puff puff, the whistle signals our
departure from Pretoria on route to Victoria Falls.
After an informative tour of the railway station, repair
depot and revitalization of the old carriages, we stepped on board and into a
romantic era of turn-of-century luxurious train travel. Walking through a railway yard with freshly
washed sneakers is like wearing white in a stable. The black smudges mar the pristine white of
the shoe. My butler is Thobi and he
briefly explained how the relic, but now modernized apparatus works, ie
plumbing etc. The passenger list
consists of 99% American, one South African and of course me, the lone
Canadian. Naturally, the owner of Rovos
Rail introduced me to the other passengers; sort of a celebrity or some might
say oddity, as a passenger on board this “orient express” style train.
Our coal-fired, steam driven revived engines will soon start
rambling along the steel rails. It takes
5-6 ton of coal to create enough heat to put life into the valves and pistons
that drive the train. The train uses 100
kg of coal per 1 km and substantially more in hilly areas. The soot and distinct odor from the coal
smoke forces me to close my open air window until we begin to roll. I can see why breathing coal can be very
unhealthy if it were to linger in a stationary position for too long.
Even the signal lights have been restored to their former
red and green, imported from abandoned stations throughout SA. These early 19th century mechanics
still provide the means of communication to the Trains’ engineers. Of course
modern technology is also used as a backup.
Slowly the train gathers speed as we push forward heading
west and then east. The rock of the compartments
and clickity clack of the rails is very soothing to the soul. I am now transferred back into another time.
My Edwardian style room with its rich solid wood paneling
and finely appointed fixtures gives the allure of traveling a century ago. My computer is rested upon my writing table
as I watch the views of Africa roll by.
The cong rings throughout the passageways and rooms,
announcing that lunch is now served.
Since I have a deluxe suite, my room is situated at the front of the
train. The walk back to the dining room
is long and slow. My best comparison for
navigating the passageways would be like taking a rolling sidewalk and adding
some twists and dives to it. Eventually,
I entered into the first dining room where I took the first available
seat. I suppose it took me longer than
most to reach the dining room as it was near capacity when I arrived.
As previously mentioned, I’m the odd ball on the train. The rest of the guests are with the
Smithsonian Institute; all professors and the like. There I sat, the little horse trainer from Canada,
unassuming and quiet.
The table across from me introduced themselves and we began
a conversation immediately. When they
learned I was a horse trainer, one asked if I was a “horse whisperer”. I said, no.
I don’t do anything mystical. They
laughed and perceived me a rather down-to-earth sort. They seemed very intrigued that I would
travel all alone in the not so safe place as Africa. One fellow commented that I was a very brave
soul. My answer was that if you wanted
to do something that bad enough, you just do it. You can’t always be afraid to explore and
learn. The response I got was
My salad fork speared some leafy delicacies as lunch time
conversations continued. The main menu
event arrived shortly afterwards, mine being rib eye and scallop potatoes. What a treat.
My fluted glass was frequently filled with sparkling white wine. I’m certain if I hadn’t said anything, the
wine would not stop flowing. The fellow
across from me was very flushed and noted that he thought he had had a bit too
The conversation turned to the litter that sullies the
beautiful landscapes where people occupy it.
It is a shameful display of squalor and human indifference. My
American colleagues’ approach was to supply a better system of garbage
collection. This was a very practical
approach to help solving some of the problem.
I too had been pondering what might be done to alleviate all the filth
and resulting disease that this waste brings.
My thoughts were more philosophical, dealing with getting the root cause
of why so much litter.
Although I may be totally off mark here, I find that poverty
and litter go hand in hand, regardless of the country or racial lines. I feel that when people suffer from such low
self-esteem brought on from a desperate feeling of hopelessness, the litter
becomes the lowest element in their society.
Without pride in oneself, the act of tossing whatever is used up, often
reflects how they must internalize their feelings of self-worth. It is a reflection of their misery. My observation was that the African people
are still struggling to grow as a people and find their rightful place in this
world of change and conflict. This will
take a very long time to achieve and perhaps no one can understand this better
than our own native aboriginal people.
My opinion, which was met with such candid expression of “possibility”,
was welcoming to their ears.
Now that the serious matters of Africa
were dealt with, I was cordially invited to attend the speaking session with
thoughts and words on Mandela and SW de Cleric by the Smithsonian group. They
are providing me with my own headset and asked to participate. This should be interesting..
The presentation was of political interest as the speaker
outlined the different factions and parliamentary procedures. The system here is based on the British
parliament, the same as ours. Although
it must have seen foreign to the American audience, I on the other hand was
quite familiar with it.
After the presentation I had time to regroup and dress
formally for dinner. This evening’s
dinner had a selection of asparagus, Tuna or Ostrich. Since I’m not a fan of either fish or
asparagus, I had Ostrich again. They
gave everyone a slice of roasted garlic to ward off the mosquitoes. That’s not all it will ward off! I tried it but it was rather pungent so I
abandoned the practice. I’ll keep my
windows shut and leave the air on instead.
I skipped dessert and extra wine as these meals are becoming
increasingly rich and not too good for the caloric count.
Dinner was at 7 pm, a common dinner hour here. They eat quite late, something I’m not use
to. By the time the meal was consumed,
it was 8:45. Now, I’m trying to wear it
off a bit before I pull the covers and switch off the lights for the
night. The train is still chugging along
at a good speed, but will soon idle somewhere for the night when we reach our
appointed destination near the game reserve.
Tobi has been very vigilant in keeping everything in
order. Even the toilet paper is folded
every time I come back from a meal or something. My bed was turned down for me with a little
package of sweets added to my pillow. He
even left me tomorrow’s weather schedule which should reach a high of 29
degrees! He left me a tea pot and
assortment of teas and biscuits for my nibbling and sipping. I’m
going to take advantage of the laundry in the morning. Who knows when I’ll get a chance to do it
Tomorrow starts early at 5 am. I hope I will be able to sleep some. Tobi will wake me in the event I doze
off. It’s a full day’s outing so I’m
looking forward to the game drive and research and rehab centre for the wild
beasts of Africa.
P.S. There is someone
else here besides me whose wireless doesn’t work either. She told me she was so frustrated she was
about to chuck the whole machine. I
sympathized with her.
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Sleeping Quarters |
DAY EIGHT – Elephant Standoff
It was just before 6 am as we disembarked from the train and
awkwardly heaved ourselves into the waiting open air 4X4s. The morning air was fresh with a new day as
the sun slowly rose in the east to reveal dawn in Klaserie.
Our guide and animal tracker was called Freedom. He certainly lived up to his name as he bore
down on the rugged dirt road at 40 km.
Freedom was free and fast! As we
all sort of kept a unified common comment of “holy crap” to ourselves, we
didn’t know how much we would need a fast get-away that only Freedom could
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The Wild Driver "Freedom" |
Dawn in Africa is in some
ways similar in nature from a literal sense as we know it. It is the breaking of a still night when the
wild birds call the hour of sunrise to order in the bush land.
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Wild Guinea Hens |
Our first encounter with African wildlife on this protected
game reserve was a small herd of Zebras.
It is one thing to see animals in zoos, and it is quite another to
witness them in their natural habitat.
Every animal we captured on film and in memory this day struck us as
creatures of strength, beauty, fitness and speed. They are all so well suited for their
environment and truly a wonder.
We were asked what animals in particular we would like to
see if we came across them. I immediately
piped up with “Elephant”. One other lady
wanted to see the big cats. The rest of the gang was silent.
Freedom would slow occasionally to 30 km as he watched for
traces of wildlife scratched in the dirt road.
We came across several grazing deer like animals called Bush Bucks and
the Kudu. This large animal is similar
to a very small moose, but much larger than a deer for example. They are powerful and fast.
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Sunrise with the Zebras |
The graceful giraffe was everywhere. Their quiet demeanor is unobtrusive and stoic. I posed the question to Freedom as to what
its natural enemy was since it was so tall.
To my surprise, it is the lion.
Since the giraffe is Africa’s tower in
the bush, the lion has to force the animal into rough terrain. When the giraffe becomes unbalanced, stumbles
and falls, it is then that it becomes prey for the lion as the pounce on the
downed animal.
The coyote type, Jackal looked with interest at our vehicle
before shooting off into denser bush.
Freedom was on the hunt for the elephant.
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The Shy Jackal |
After an hour of searching areas that the mammoth descendant
may be, we finally struck pay dirt. It
was obvious we were on the elephant’s trail as it left its calling card only an
elephant could leave. Our tracker was in
constant contact with the other vehicles as the CB crackled away with the
announcement of various wildlife sightings.
I continued to glance at the speedometer that read a steady
pace of 40 km, as we rolled and juggled our way over all sorts of terrain. It was almost impossible to spot anything at
this speed unless you had an experienced trained eye on the bush.
As we approached a fork in the road, the air suddenly
changed with a whiff of an unidentified odour, not bad, just strange. ELEPHANT!!
No sooner had Freedom informed us that we were getting close, as we
rounded the next blind corner, it suddenly appeared in the roadway. It was a young bull in powerful testosterone
fervor. Its breeding season here and
this fellow wanted to show us his Provo
do and courage by chasing us from HIS ROAD!
This was to be our “High Noon”, although it wasn’t a western
movie; there weren’t any actors, just flesh and blood reality, no six-shooters
– just two adversaries staring down at each other waiting for the first move.
To many it was sheer horror
when the elephant blasted a deafening warning with his massive trunk
raised. His ivory tusks gleamed in the
early light of dawn. Like a stallion
does in aggression, the elephant shook his massive head from side to side and
then suddenly went into a raging charge! This may have been described as a mock charge
by the experts, but to us it seemed the real deal and was most likely not a
mock charge.
Without time to lose, Freedom shifted into reverse and
hammered the pedal with his foot. A
short distance away, the elephant seemed to have made his point. We waited quietly for a moment before turning
the 4X4 around to make what we hoped was a peaceful exit.
The movement of the vehicle alerted the elephant once again
to defend his territory. This time he
meant business. With Freedom charging
down the dirt path at 30 km from a dead stop quickly shifting gears. The elephant kept gaining on us. I was trying to capture the moment on film to
verify what I write is true, although it was hard with everyone looking back
and not allowing me a clear shot.
Curiosity from the onlookers on our vehicle, turned to terror as
everyone was shouting at Freedom to “step on it now!” The elephant had come within six feet of our
vehicle before it tired and backed down.
As we slowed, you could see the defiant bull elephant raising his trunk
in victory. He had driven the annoying tourists
from his domain and I suppose feeling quite proud of himself. To be quite honest, I don’t think a human
could outrun an elephant. You might even be hard pressed on a horse,
although the horse will have more stamina and should outlast an elephant’s
brief charge.
Although most felt it was too close a call, I was intrigued
by it all. Wow, having an elephant
charge is something you can’t imagine unless you are in the moment. He was magnificent and my admiration for this
large thundering animal has not diminished.
It made my day. I knew I was
finally in Arica!
As everyone settled down, we observed some less aggressive
animals, notably the hippo and catlike deer called bush bucks. The ugliest of all, was the quick witted wart
hog. I finally managed to get a photo as
a small group wallowed in and around a mud hole. This wild pig is vicious, fast and I suppose
unpredictable. Still it has its place
here even if God didn’t grant it any good looks.
The big cat was still allusive. Time was running short as early light sudden
grew in intensity along with a rise Celsius.
Freedom had also tamed down his driving to 30 km now as we
cruised the many dirt trails in search of lions. The CB crackled into life again as the troupe
ahead had discovered a pride. We turned
down another road when we came upon it.
A large male lion rested in the tall dry grasses. We were able to drive within 10 feet of it as
it rested its bulky frame in the cool African grass. I’ve never seen such a large lion
Freedom told us it was a male in his prime weighing in
between 400-500 lbs. He was such a sight
to behold. With all his grandeur, he rose
to his feet and casually sauntered off in search of his pride. A low droning growl emanated from deep within
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Afternoon Nap for the Big Cat |
Turning back onto the track, and only a few meters away, his
pride lay under the umbrella shade of a weathered tree. There were 4 of them altogether. Obviously they had a night of successful
feasting, as we were of no consequence to them.
They posed for our cameras and listened to our silly chatter. Freedom continued on only to pass the male
again, lying by the side of the road this time, not far from where we last
encountered him. You could almost reach
out and touch him, we were now that close to him. He seemed very bored with us as he placed his
weary head upon his huge front paws and dozily closed his eyes.
Well it was off to a hearty breakfast in the bush..
Leaving the “bush breakfast” which is really a closed in
patio affair, we headed off in the 4x4s for the Cheetah Rescue Project Centre
and the wild dog breeding program.
Entering the compound you are immediately taken by the beauty of these
sleek spotted cats. Amazingly, they purr
and meow just like the domestic cat. I
would have thought that it would be such a resounding growl or something, not
this meek little hello. The Cheetah is
endangered and so this non-profit group is specializing in breeding these
animals and releasing them back into the wild.
Although there is no human contact by hand, the Cheetahs certainly
recognized the handlers and come when called.
They seem to bask in all the attention that is given to them by
Their diets are strictly controlled so that when they are
released, they are extremely healthy.
They are fitted with a radio collar so that their movements can be
monitored once released as part of their research program.
They are also a rehabilitation centre for injured wild cats
and dogs. They also have a few pensioners
that are too old Cheetahs or sick to be released back into the wild. The two
tigers housed at this facility are the result of abandonment from a circus. These animals were released into the wild and
being domesticated and trained tigers not exposed to wilderness life, their
chances for survival were nil. They
would have simply died. Hence, they live
at this sanctuary in peace and tranquility, even though they are not native to Africa.
As the gate was unlocked
and we drove over the electrified cattle grate, we entered the wild dog
compound. These dogs were very curious
upon our arrival and posed enthusiastically for our cameras. The wild dog of Africa
is also an endangered species. This is
an important breeding program to help re-establish their numbers before it is
too late. The animals themselves are not
large, perhaps the size of a medium-sized dog.
Their radar ears are what are most notable. It was a small group of five, but a scrappy
lot at that.
Most are scarred from fighting and one had lost its tail,
bitten of in some quarrel. Although they
are cute and colourful, I wouldn’t want to disembark from the vehicle to greet
With our excursion completed, we headed back to the train
for our lunch and final dinner of the trip.
Tonight I will do my final packing and bid farewell to my very discrete
butler, Tobi. Tomorrow it is off again
in the plane and onto Victoria Falls.
The alarm pinged away announcing 6:15 am. I rose to a sprinkle of rain that speckled
the glass of my observation window. All
packed and ready to depart, I wandered the half a kilometer narrow passage way
as the train bumped and grinned its way along.
This time it was only a light breakfast. I stuck to what I was used to –
toast, coffee and orange juice.
Although, the waitress tried in vain to indulge me in other delectable,
I resisted.
I was still recovering from last evening’s farewell dinner. As we returned to our sleeping quarters for
the last evening on this classic train, we were all pleasantly surprised to
find a special treat waiting for us in our rooms. I was of no exception.
Tobi had turned down my bed linen as usual and spread rose
pedals on the sheets with a bottle of sparkling Brute and accompanying flute
glass, nestled into a cozy blanket. I
had written him a sweet note thanking him for all the attention to detail and
care he had taken. I left him a small
token gift from Canada,
a copper key chain with a grizzly bear engraved on it. This morning Tobi located me in the lounge
and personally thanked me for the gift.
As is he custom here, you don’t necessarily shake hands but they take
both your hands in theirs as a sign of respect.
In many ways I will miss him as I journey on. As we clambered onto the bus for the short
journey to the airport, all of the Rovos Rail staff stood on the platform
waving their goodbyes.
I managed to clear immigration at the airport easily. One passenger however was taken aside and his
luggage inspected. They seemed to be
questioning his medications which weren’t in proper prescriptions bottles. I’m glad I left mine in their labeled
I made my way up the narrow swaying steps into the old bird,
a DC 3 aircraft. We were assured that
she was one of the safest aircraft ever built and that she has been completely
refurbished. The vintage plane with her
nose pointing upward on the tarmac, quickly spread her wings and took flight
with ease once we were all boarded.
There are no modern conveniences on this old lady. You are literally transformed into the aviation
past when air travel was less complicated.
We are flying at a lower altitude, glancing out the window at the landscape
below our wings. It is a 3 hour run to Zambia
fraught with turbulence from cutting through a head wind. I should have taken a Gravol before we left,
but I had no idea the flight would take so long or be so rocky. It’s been a long time since I last rode in a
small aircraft.
I was never so glad to set my feet down on firm
footing. My nausea eased considerably as
I entered Zambia
without incident. The border police were
quite amused when I produced a letter from their Consulate office in Ottawa stating my intentions. They said they have never seen anyone so
prepared and welcomed me to Zambia
with a wide encouraging smile.
After retrieving my luggage I found my to the awaiting taxi
vans looking for their pick-ups. I
approached two men with the Wild Horizon sign.
I wasn’t on their list and so they made some calls trying to establish
where my contact was. Apparently, plans
had changed and someone was waiting for me at another airport on the other side
of the border. Since I didn’t know that
and followed my instructions to the letter, they decided to take me across the
border into Zimbabwe
and transfer me from there.
The border crossing was interesting or should I say
intimidating. Wild monkeys climb all
over everything. Don’t leave a door or
window open or you will be sure to have a monkey join you.
I had my visa in order before I left Canada and I
was waived passed to the next check point.
While waiting for transfer, an official noted the black bag I was
carrying and asked it that was a computer. I said yes and was hauled over for further
scrutiny. They wanted me to declare it
or I might lose it or have to pay for it.
Being prepared, I produced my Canada Customs Declaration green card
showing in detail that all the electronics I had in my possession where
purchased in Canada. She looked at the
official form, then handed one of their own to me and said I will need to
complete it before I leave. It was at this point that I figured I might be
in for a difficult time of sorts. I
remember my nephew lecturing me not to say or mention names of any political
nature while in Zimbabwe. I already got the same recommendation from my
driver from Zambia. It is a rather tense border crossing.
When I arrived at my hotel, the luggage was unloaded. Of course, my luck, I had one bag and someone
else’s. They had mine and what a
surprise if they were to open it up and find a riding helmet inside. Fortunately I had locked it. The poor fellow had to travel across the
border again and retrieve my luggage in Zambia.
When I got to the reception desk, the paperwork that was suppose
to be waiting for me, that wasn’t ready at my time of travel to Africa, of
course WAS NOT THERE. Now what? I’m still waiting for them to straighten it
out as everything is paid, but no paper trail to prove it. I was lucky to be able to make two overseas
calls to have Bob contact the travel agent and try to fix it. I’m still waiting.
I checked in anyways and decided to go on an elephant
safari. What the heck, I was chased by
one yesterday, maybe I should see what they are like from above.
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On the Trail |
It was a long dusty drive to the elephant camp. When we finally arrived, a beautiful clean
camp with breathtaking views greeted us.
The guides welcomed us and served us a cool drink before introducing us
to our elephants.
I got the elephant with baby in tow. Up I went on the gigantic mounting block to
ease myself onto the elephant’s broad back behind its handler. After brief intros, we headed off into the
setting sun. Elephants amble along
rather slowly but surprisingly silent.
The enormous bulk sways in lateral movement and is actually very easy to
sit to. Although somewhat wider than a
horse, you can still use leg aids. I had
a very interesting conversation with my guide as we discuss how he trained his
elephant. We were comparing notes and found
a lot of things are similar. Granted,
the elephant is more intelligent and can play games easier than a horse, but
the basics are the same.
At one point in the ride, my elephant stopped to relieve
herself in a Niagara Falls flow, no let me
correct that, Victoria Falls gushed out. Behind us was a bull whose tusks were
directly beside me. I saw his trunk
begin to rise as if sniffing the air and the utter glean in his soft brown
eye. I looked at him and said, I know
what you are thinking bud, behave yourself, I’m up here. And then I asked the guide if my elephant was
possibly in season. He said no and asked
how did I know what the bull was thinking?
I said to him, if you don’t know, then you’re in trouble and I’m in
bigger trouble. He chuckled as he
kneaded his elephant on, leaving the bull to ponder the moment.
Baby kept right up and it is interesting to see how the
whole herd bonds with the young one.
They all look out for her. The
rough hide of the elephant and the keen sense of smell and touch of their trunk
is a wonder at how such a bulky huge animal has such a caring attitude. This was so evident when we arrived back at
the base and an orphaned baby girl elephant followed her handler about. She was just two months old when she was
rescued. It’s been a struggle to save
her and she is still on the thin side, with the jury still out on her chances
of survival. Her trunk caresses her
handler with great loving affection. He
brings her a bottle every 2 hours and she suckles for brief moments. The survival rate for these orphans is not
good. The orphan elephants need round
the clock attention. They can’t be left
alone. They hunger for nourishment and
contact; the latter being of utmost important for an elephant and is essential
to their wellbeing. One without the
other is fatal. As the baby started to
lean on me for attention and wrap her trunk with similar affection around my
arm, it is my wish that she will make it to adult hood and find her place with
the other adoptive elephants. It breaks
your heart, knowing how lonely it must be for her without mom to protect her
and comfort her.
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Orphan Female with her Keeper |
Back at the hotel, I was now famished since I hadn’t eaten
all day. I went to dine. During dinner, I had the pleasure of being
serenaded by a local troupe of acapella singers. I loved the African music and was delighted
to support these struggling artist and purchased their home grown CD.
As I finish this last journal for the day, I look forward to
gazing out onto the great reserve in front of me and watch Africa
come to life at the watering hole in the morning.
Good night from Zimbabwe.
I woke to the sound of coos and monkey chatter. These opportunists were scurrying around
trying to steal whatever they could manage.
At breakfast, a couple of more daring monkeys, slid down the roof and
reached from the overhang to steal some fresh fruit from the table. With sling shot in hand, one of the waiters
took aim, but the monkeys fled before he could get an accurate shot.
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View from my Room |
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Victoria Falls |
My morning trek took me to the Smoke with Thunder, aka Victoria Falls. Its
overall sheer size, dwarfs Niagara Falls in length. It is like comparing apples to oranges, each
distinct and each beautiful. Spray wills
the surround area with a smoky mist and vegetation is lush. Its cooling effects are quite noticeable as
you get closer to the observation points.
It is truly an amazing sight, or more correctly, sights to behold with
its endless connecting falls.
We arrived back at the lodge late morning, time for a much
needed nap after climbing the steep rock stairs up and down the expanse of the
various sections of the falls. By noon,
I settled into the bar for a bite of food.
One of today’s menu items was a buffalo burger. I can certainly attest to the fact that lions
have good taste! The meat is lean and
less fatty than a bovine hamburger. I
don’t know why the natives didn’t try to domestic these animals. I wouldn’t hesitate to eat another one.
Late afternoon brought me to the Zambezi River,
one of the longest rivers in the world.
I boarded a canopy platoon boat for our tour. I was seated next to a fellow whose accent
betrayed his true identity. Although he
spoke with an Australian flavour, he was in fact a Canadian who had lived in Australia the
past eight years. He had been taking a sabbatical from work as a school teacher
to travel these past couple of years.
Originally from Hamilton,
we struck up a conversation that stuck the whole journey. At our table was a young couple from South Africa. We shared thoughts on both our different
countries and explored these differences.
As we worked our way up the river, the occasional hippo would raise its
eyes above the waterline and thrash about to show off. In fact, hippos account for more human deaths
by wildlife in Africa than any other. So when a hippo makes a threatening gesture,
beware. Vulnerable out of water, they
are a deadly menace in the buoyancy of water moving with amazing speed.
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Hippos aka River Horses |
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Sunset on the Zambezi |
After quietly riding upstream we eventually found our way
back to the docking area as the sun began to sink below the calm African
Upon returning to the hotel, I dined on War Hog
tonight. As the waiter pointed out, the
beauty of the Wart Hog is not on the outside, but on the inside. I would have to agree. It was delicious. I told him I would never look at a Wart Hog
in the same light again.
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Wart Hogs |
It was a long morning waiting for a ride to take me to Botswana. After a delay at the border, my driver
arrived with a couple of other passengers.
We made the hour trek to the border crossing and passed through the two
check points fairly easily. It is still
intimidating on the Zimbabwe
side and the dead pan faces look with incriminating eyes at you. After a 30 minute ride into Botswana we arrived at the safari lodge in the
heart of Africa’s jungle. Botswana is home to the largest
herd of elephants and they are everywhere.
I felt more at ease when we arrived in Botswana. The quality of life here is seems much
improved over Zimbabwe. The hotel staff was extremely kind and
helpful, even sorting out my flight arrangements for me with British Airways
which no one could do from home or in Zimbabwe where I will be flying out
As I entered my suite and looked out through the huge
screened patio doors, a local wart hog sniffed around and came within a couple
of feet of me when I approached the patio.
All the wild animals room the entire complex and it is not safe to be
out after dark. The hippos and elephants
wander at will after dusk and can be very dangerous if encountered. We in fact are visitors of their habitat and
everyone must respect the animals first and foremost.
I was scheduled for the river sunset boat ride beginning at
3:30 pm. There wasn’t a minute lost to
wonderment as the boat cruised slowly up the ancient Chobe River. At almost every corner and shoreline, nature
presented itself in every imaginable form.
Most notable were the elephants.
Huge family herds of elephants were without exception as you followed
the shoreline. Elephants being
elephants, splashed in the water, teaching their babies how to do it as well as
eating all sorts of vegetation. One was
off on his own, in the deep water, swimming about eating lily pads to his heart’s
content. Only his massive head and tusks
were visible.
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Mongoose |
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Buffalo |
They are truly social animals and family oriented. They look out for each other and care for
everyone. We could learn a lot from the
society of elephants.
As the river wandered aimlessly along, great numbers of
hippos floated like giant fishing bobbers in the water. We approached with caution as these huge
water logs spied us with a wary look.
When we arrived back at dockside, I prepared for
dinner. As I portioned out small bits
for myself, I heard a painful loud groan just a short distance away. I said to one of the staff that I hoped it
was a hippo wailing and not someone in mortal pain. She reassured me it was indeed a hippo.
Tonight I dined on Kudu.
Once again, it was delicious. I
slowly made my way back to my suite, following the lit wooden bridge, hoping
not to encounter some form of wildlife on the way.
Tomorrow it is another early rise as we adventure out in the
4x4s again to see Africa up close and
personal. I’ve changed batteries and
memory card in my camera ready to take aim.
Another early morning rise before the sun caught up to the
night. With my cotton quilted jacket
affording me little warmth from the surprisingly cool night air, I hoisted
myself up into the Rover. Blankets were
dispensed to everyone on board to guard against the frigid breeze we were to
experience as we traveled the open air on the highway before turning onto the
national park entrance.
Slowly the air began to warm with the rise in the east of
early morning dawn. We spotted a number
of smaller game but nothing in the more substantial version. It was extremely quiet with little
movement. On the long trek back after 2
hours of searching the many pathways, I started to drift off into
sleepiness. I think the early mornings
were starting to take their toll.
However, I awoke when buffalo were finally spotted. This is one animal that has eluded me so far
in my amateur photography. Not any
more. I clicked away capturing a family
of buffalo with a huge male standing very alert and defensive. My excitement for the morning was over as we
returned to the lodge with a hearty breakfast awaiting us. I was booked again for another afternoon
cruise of the Chobe (pronounced Chobee).
But first, I needed to take a much deserved nap.
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Crocks on a Buffalo carcass |
After eating a very small meal, I made my way onto the boat
once again. Today, the wildlife wasn’t
as abundant. Not so many elephants this
time, just a smattering here and there.
Hippos were big on the watch list today however and I finally got to
capture one out of the water.
Cruising slowly along the shoreline of the Chobe, we came
upon a buffalo who had succumbed to some sort of fate. It was lying in the shallows as we
approached. The garbage collectors where
out in great force, chewing away on the carcass. Revolting as it might seem, this is real
life in Africa as I photographed the
crocodiles dining on a large meal of rump roast. Nothing is wasted here. According to our guide, this two day old
carcass will be gone in a couple of more days.
At least it won’t pollute the water.
We carried on observing a variety of wild birds, Water
Monitors, Mongoose, Elephant, more Hippos, Kudu (pronounced coodo) as well as Impala,
Water Buffalo and the Nile crocs.
On tonight’s menu was Impala which I tasted a sliver. It is much like venison and not too wild of a
taste. I’m still eating just a mouthful
of this and that, but the food being as rich as it is, makes it difficult to
count calories.
Tomorrow I head back to Zimbabwe
to catch a flight back to Johannesburg and then
back again to Botswana
the next day. Seems totally ridiculous
why in earth I have to travel across three borders and back again within 48
hrs. I don’t know why I just couldn’t
stay in Botswana
the extra day. Travel agents for
I’m all packed and ready for another day on the road. With any luck I will have no hassles crossing
or at the airport. Wish me luck..
It’s been a day of travel.
I declined the 5 am safari this morning, opting for some much needed
rest. I was packed and ready to go for
my 10 o’clock pick up. At 10 past 10, I
was getting a little concerned. Drivers
came and went, as I inquired after each one if I was on their list. Each said no.
At last, one driver couldn’t locate his only passenger by the name of
“Simpson”. I said that it was most
likely me. He was scheduled to go the
airport so I convinced him that I was his “Simpson”. Off we went heading for the Zimbabwe border once again.
This was the part I disliked. After handing over my passport, I was told
that I needed to pay $65 US cash for another Visa. There is no point in arguing, you just keep
you mouth shut and pay up. At least this
time I left my computer with my luggage, otherwise I might have lost that
After a two hour journey, we arrived at the airport. I said goodbye to my friend and waited at the
check-in counter to have my bags weighed.
I was aware that the weight had to be a lot lighter than it was coming
over and I thought I had taken that into consideration when packing – I know I
had. At any rate, I was told I was 10
kilos over and had to pay $55 US cash. That
wasn’t bad considering the fellow behind me got nailed for $165 US cash. After an hour’s wait in the security area, we
were finally allowed to board the plane for the trip back to Johannesburg.
Now this part of the trip seemed really ridiculous as
mentioned previously. Not only did it cost
me a further $120 US just to get out of Zimbabwe, I lost a whole day in
travel. I arrived in Johannesburg at 5 pm and got settled into my
hotel. The porter helped me with my
luggage to the courtesy van, after I replenished my US cash at a foreign exchange
desk. The porter didn’t seem well at
all. He was coughing and sputtering the
whole time and I figured he had TB or worse.
I tried to avoid his coughing as best I could.
After a nice dinner, I tried in vain once again to get my PC
to connect either wireless or by dial-up.
Both attempts failed miserably.
So here you have it.
Tomorrow I fly back to Botswana in the morning – crazy!!!
The alarm buzzed me awake as I dragged myself from beneath
the covers. Time to get ready for
another day of travel - ugh.
I had a very light breakfast and arranged to leave one
suitcase behind in a secure area of the hotel until my return the following
week. That substantially lightened
things up for me.
After checking out, I hopped on the shuttle for the 3 min.
ride to the departure area of the airport.
The Air Botswana desk wasn’t opened. Many of us milled around the area waiting for
the booth to come alive with Air Botswana reps. It was eight a.m., two hours before the
scheduled departure time. By 8:15, a
young lady dressed smartly in navy colours, announced that the flight had been
delayed. It was now scheduled to leave at
11:30 am. By 11 am, we, the intended
passengers checked our bags through and went to the security area. It is a very relaxed security system, unlike
our airports in North America and beyond.
Breezing through security we headed for our designated gate
number. I had already been in the
airport proper for more than 2 hours, as I stood in line with an odd assortment
of people who didn’t look like they were going to Botswana. As it turned out, they were all heading for
Dubi! I thought they looked Arab or Muslim
of some sort. The Botswana flight
had been delayed yet again and this time the gate number changed. Just goes to show you that you can’t believe
everything you read. They are a little
slow at updating things.
Off I went three hours later to sit and wait yet again. At this point I was becoming quite dull and
bored. Between BO from others, cell
phones ringing off and nauseating fumes from the planes with the exit doors
open, I was totally disgusted at wasting yet another fine day in an
Finally, we boarded a prop-job airplane and of course I had
the very last seat in the tail of the airplane. It was at that point I searched in vain for
some gravol without luck. It must have
packed in the suitcase I had checked.
We soon became airborne and to my surprise, it was a very
smooth flight, unlike the earlier one I had on the DC3.
At just after 4 pm, I was met at the airport and driven the
short distance to my hotel. The airport
in Maun (pronounced Ma oon) is very tiny and casual. It was nice for a change to get back to some
sort of sanity.
Tomorrow I grab the small bush plane to join the horse
safari. At least I will have six days in
one place!!!! so to speak.
I managed to sleep in this morning and was collected for the
short trip to the airport at 10:10 am. I
met three other ladies from England
who were also going on the horseback safari.
It was a good job we were all traveling light as we were led out to the
tarmac and our SMALL revived old Cessena plane.
As it turned out, the captain of our plane was a Canadian
from Montreal. Since I was the only other Canadian, I got to
ride beside him at the controls. I paid
attention to his pre-warm up routine as he adjusted the choke and brought the engine
rpms up to speed. The gages all read
normal with the pressure gage coordinating with the engine’s rpm. Oil temp looked good and we had lots of
fuel. Who knows, if something happened
to him, I might be required to fly the thing.
God help us!
After a short, little
bumpy 20 min. ride, we found an abandoned airstrip in the middle of nowhere where
he set the plane down. From there we
were transported to a whirly bird (helicopter) for the next 10 min. of flight. How exciting!
Again, I was chosen to ride beside the pilot. It was an amazing ride! I now love helicopters. You see the ground right below your feet as
we hovered just above tree tops skimming along at a leisurely pace. I clicked a few photos of buffalo on the run and
elephants grazing before we set down at the camp in the lovely lush delta known
as the Okavango Delta.
The camp is situated on an island and it is in the heart of
wilderness beauty. We were greeted by
the staff and shown to our own private tents.
These are luxury strong canvas and screened houses on a
raised platform. As this is wilderness,
we may have the occasional hippo or elephant wandering by as the sun sets.
We are advised just to stay quiet and calm while they
pass. Under no circumstances are we to
bring food into out tents. That is only
common sense, but we all know that that can be in short supply with tourists.
Before lunch, I met some of the assortment of horses. I spied a relatively good one; dark bay with
a medium blaze and white sock. He turned
out to be a lead horse and the owner’s private mount. I’m not sure who I will be saddled with this
afternoon, but it will be an introductory ride.
All the horses are very
fit and mostly sporting roached manes and hock length tails. The majority are thoroughbred crosses with
huge withers from plenty of saddle work.
As I would later discover, these horses band together 24/7 and are
totally insensitive to rein pressure (i.e. no brakes). They depend on the lead horse to tell them
when to stop or turn. They instinctively
trot/gallop when the lead horse starts whether you are ready or not and jam on
their own brakes when they feel it is time.
Not the sort of horse I’m use to.
One I sort of favoured, was just recovering from an attack
by a croc on one of the rides. He seemed
sound enough.
I met their Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Pit Bull who are the
family pets. Life for canines here in
the Okavango is short with 3 or 4 years being considered
very old by the living conditions. It is
not that they die of disease, it is predatory attacks from a variety of animals
and snakes that claim them as victims.
It is a reality here that you must always be watchful of everything from
snakes to crocs to Hippos and Rhinos and the like. Always look up and down.
The wilderness is tranquil and yet dangerous. It is not for the faint of heart. Only rugged, challenging people need apply. You definitely appreciate life in its truest
form here. This is Africa!!
My ride out in the afternoon brought back shades of Spain
and the grey gelding Romero. I was given
a grey thoroughbred gelding who played with me most of the time. Just so you know, I’m ditching the camera
tomorrow. You can’t imagine how
difficult it is riding with one hand and holding on to your camera with the
other cantering through knee high water and the like. Not to mention my horse who decided it was
time to get down and play. His canter
was filled with rolling bucks of delight as I hung on with the camera in one
hand. If I roll the dice and get him
again tomorrow, I’m ready with both hands on the reins this time. You will all be happy to hear that I stayed
on despite my handicap.
Of course the best horse in the herd of 56 was the one I
liked; the owner’s horse. Go
figure. Well at least I can say I have
good taste.
The horses only spooked once when a wart hog ran from the
bush and startled the otherwise bored horses.
I’m not use to riding low headed Thoroughbreds so I didn’t feel quite at
home in the saddle. And saddle… I’m really spoiled with my Freedman! Although these were fairly good quality
saddles with cheat seats to boot, I couldn’t find a very comfortable seat. My crotch is still tender tonight. The tip of the saddle puts you in a constant
forward lean and the twist on the saddle is narrow and very unaccommodating to
a woman’s hip. Don’t know how the guys
do it. Still it was fun and an
experience riding the delta.
After a feast in the evening and a brief sit by the campfire,
we have retired to our tents. We are not
to be alarmed if we have a lion, elephant or hippo pass by our tents during the
night. They quite often do here. We are told that the lions are more
interested in the buffalo than humans; and the elephants just want to browse
around. Still we shouldn’t wander out at
I zipped my tent shut (just the screens), sprayed for mosquitoes
and I am listening to a chorus of frogs and crickets at waters edge; no call of
the lions yet but the night is young. I just
hope no crocs come by.
Night all….
After just two hours of sleep the 5:45 am wake up call came
to my tent. Eating late is a real
problem for me as I can’t just fall into silent slumber for the evening. At 3 am, I decided to read a chapter in the
novel I had brought along, trying to deactivate my busy mind.
At 6:00 am, a lion’s deep groan could be heard throughout
the camp. It was just across the
river. This area in Africa
is home to the only pride of water swimming lions. They have adapted very well to the water
here, so crossing a river is not an impossible feat for them. I always thought that cats are especially
fearful of water. Apparently, these big
cats are not.
After a quick coffee and a muffin, we mounted up for a six
hour jaunt through the wetlands of the delta.
Feeling the effects of yesterday, my knees and ankles still ached. We trotted and walked and galloped over all
sorts of marsh and dusty elephant paths.
We stopped on occasion to squat behind a tree before
mounting again and trotting off. It is
the custom that you find the nearest log to mount your horse and NOT mount from
the ground. I mistakenly swung up on my
little Egyptian Arab horse, Zulu, and was unceremoniously chastised for this. Believe me, I’m not looking for a log if
something big is coming that requires immediate action for
self-preservation. I conceded to the
rules from then on and perched myself next to a log or termite mount for future
mounting sessions. At least here there
are so many fallen trees due to elephant construction also know as destruction,
that you’ll find one almost around every corner.
We slowly edged our way around some barbarous looking bushes
at the edge of a waterway, only to find a family of hippos grazing along side
the tall grass. Usually, they are in the
water at this time of day, so this was a rare find. It was complete silence as we passed by
We discovered a small herd of zebras next and shortly after,
we came across an even bigger herd. As
our horses approached the statuesque zebra, they (Zebras) turned tail and went
to the gallop. We followed along. These pony size members of the horse family
were giving us a good gallop as we closed in on them. We pulled up (or should I more correctly say,
the lead horse pulled up) and the Zebras soon abandoned their escape as well as
we turned and continued on our journey.
By the fifth hour of our ride we were all feeling a little
tired (me more than the others) when a large crack from the bush momentarily
startled the lead horse. Behind the
crack in the forested area was a large bull elephant. He had decided to take the tree down for
better pruning. The enormous tree fell
like a bulldozer had just hit it. Our
horses stood silently grazing the tall grass while we watched and waited. Assuming it was safe to continue, we
completed our ride as we galloped through the waterway back into the camp
After a relaxing dinner and swapping stories amongst the
guests, we were coming together as a group.
I would best describe my companions as follows: The British are crazy, the Germans –
disciplined, the Americans, although very hospitable – know everything and then
there is me, not quite the right cog in this wheel.
One interesting cast of our crew of riders, was the very
pretty “alfa” female (as she described herself) who is one of a handful of
Captains in the world who command large cruise ships. She is becoming more Americanized in her
thinking, even though she still calls herself a Brit. One story struck me as quite funny, but at
the same time encouraged by our border inspectors.
She was telling us that she will never visit a port in Canada
again after her trouble with the authorities.
She went on to explain that when her ship was boarded and asked if there
were any weapons housed on board, the Captain stupidly replied “no”. A regular search them ensued when the agent
came forward with two full magazine clips for a Glock handgun which were
located in the Captain’s night stand.
The agent gave the Captain an option.
She could tell them were the rest of the firearms were, or they could
send in the dogs and rip apart the ship searching for them. The Captain wisely complied and went to the
bulk head of the ship and retrieved two pistols, an automatic machine gun type
weapon, stun guns and bear spray, all illegal in Canada. The Captain was then cited.
She, the Captain, couldn’t understand all the fuss. She reiterated to our little campfire chatters
that they didn’t have any intention of using the firearms that were secured as
she put it. I thought to myself, let me
see, she works for a Texan who is gun crazy, she lies to the inspectors, then
produces a string of lethal weapons, all on a “luxury cruise ship”! What isn’t right with this picture?
At any rate the Captain was quite indignant about how
Canadians treated her and vowed she will never dock in Canadian waters
again. That is fine with me. Who is to say she wasn’t transporting weapons
for criminal intent.
As I’m keying this journal in, a lion has just called out in
the blackness. It’s coming from across
the river. Since I’m alone in my tent, I
hope that it stays on the other side for tonight at least. To be quite honest, I think the lion is less
of a danger than the Captain.
Mid afternoon was a sightseeing adventure from the confines
of a dug out canoe. As our guide polled
us along the water, we observed a wide variety of birds, foliage and
It is now pressing just after 10 pm as I close this
entry. Tomorrow our horses must swim
across a river and I have to ride it bareback.
I just hope I don’t float away and become prey for a croc. With roached manes, there isn’t anything to
hold on to. Hopefully, I will survive as
we break camp for the next leg of our safari.
Another early morning call as we embark for the river, minus
our shoes with pants rolled above the knees.
I was mounted on a big grey Thoroughbred named Mazoozoo as he strode out
at a good walk down the trail. We had a
new guide today, PJ, the owner of the camp who kept us at a good pace. We came upon a lone bull elephant as he
watched our horses graze at the end of the rein. (It is the custom to let these horses bulldog
the reins away from you and graze whenever they want. It is not the custom here to allow these bad
manners on the trail. Again, I found
this very annoying, not to discard the fact that it can be quite painful.) It was during this self-grazing by my mount that
the big grey pulled very hard as I was slightly turned in the saddle, observing
the elephant for safety sake. That
strong yank on the too short rein pulled a lower back muscle and I knew I was
in for trouble the rest of the six hour ride.
Trotting was almost unbearable and the gallop
excruciating. At break I tried to eek
out some relief by stretching and walking.
By this time I was feeling quite nauseous and faint. We mounted again and continued the long trek
to the new camp. About ½ hour out from the
destination of our new camp, the horses were put into a full mad gallop. It was all I could do to stop from passing
out as the horse reeled and did a final buck before coming to an abrupt halt,
digging his toes into ground with great urgency. I was never so relieved to see a tent on the
shore knowing I was at the end of the ride.
I could barely dismount, my back flaming in pain. They decided to take me across the river in a
dug out as I couldn’t imagine swimming with the horse. I think I would have taken my chances with
the crocs at this point.
At dinner, the dogs joined us and vied for attention from
the many guests. The male pit bull is
the dominant one, since he came first.
The female Staffordshire is the guest and he becomes jealous when
attention is paid to her. With this in
mind, it was not wise that the owner picked up the male and placed him on her
lap at the dinner table. The female,
feeling left out, sat next to the guest beside the owner and as expected or
even predicted, the guest showered loving pats on the female. Without warning, the male attacked. The owner hung on to the male as she leapt
from her chair calling for help to control the brute as he struggled to get out
of her grasp and continue the fray. Two
large men took the dog from her and held it away from the group. It was a very uneasy time as we waited for
the male to settle down before being led away and tied up for the remainder of
the evening. The female was banned
immediately and taken to the kitchen tent.
As much as these seemed like nice dogs, I really don’t think they are
good trusting pets. They are fighting
dogs and I feel rather unsafe around them.
I’m going to beg off the game drive this evening as I’m in
terrible pain. I don’t even think I’ll
be well enough to hoist myself into the saddle tomorrow. My cot is hollow and not very
supportive. At this point, I think I
have to surrender to the ride.
I chose to rest my back today and opted for a ride in the
4X4 to rendezvous with everyone for lunch under the umbrella of an old sausage
tree. It was a rather boring day, but I
was feeling so ill and sore, it didn’t really matter.
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Sausage Tree |
We arrived back in camp around 5 pm as I burrowed once more
down into a novel that I had exchanged with another rider. I had finished my book so we switched.
Dinner tonight was a wonderful curried chicken dish. It was so good, I had two helpings. With the help of a little glass of red wine,
my back is starting to loosen up or at least felt like it. I hope that I can make the last ride back to
base camp tomorrow and still be able to get into the small bush plane tomorrow
for the trip to the airport in Maun. I
start the day by swimming on the horse across the river at dawn. I’m hoping my body will hold together for the
six hour journey.
I’m semi writing this bit in much pain. Most of this journal entry will be completed
another day. I will make brief points to
remind myself of the day’s events.
We broke camp this morning and to be just on the safe side, I
requested horse leg wraps from the stable grooms as I wrapped my sore lower
back for extra support. We walked out
and I was being cautiously optimistic that I could make the six hour, 25 mile
ride back to base camp. Instead,
Murphy’s Law was upon me.
After passing a large bull elephant approximately one hour
into our ride and working our way through razor sharp barbed bushes, we started
off at a steady strong trot, head to tail down a winding elephant animal track
trail. Six horses in front of me merrily
weaved their way through the hard concrete packed clay when all of a sudden my
large grey Thoroughbred dropped like a stone beneath me. As he scrambled out of a very nasty burrowing
hole, I tumbled out to the left landing on my shoulder and hip, coming to rest
finally on my previously injured left side of my back. I howled; writhe in pain. As riders gathered around me, I first wanted
to make sure I hadn’t broken my back. My
toes and legs were OK, but the back pain was excruciating. We were in the middle of nowhere with every
conceivable predator a possible ambush in the making. I was helped me to my feet and slowly walked for
a short distance, trying to compose myself and reorganize my badly bruised body. The thought of being hoisted back onto my
horse was unconceivable, but it was either that, or walk the next five hours
with a guide and riffle in hand. I would
be very easy prey for a lion or leopard in my condition.
The game plan was to switch saddles, giving me a trail
saddle (semi Australian stock saddle/western more on the lines of a cavalry
saddle). The high pommel steel frame
gave me a little support as I tried to keep the bump of the stride and pitch of
the saddle from jolting my back. Riding
mostly standing in my stirrups, leaning heavily on the pommel, my back twisted
and burned to the rock of the horse. The
next hour was agonizingly slow and miserable.
As we cut through more dense brush, we startled a herd of
buffalo. All the horses were on edge as
the Buffalo
kept crashing about in the thickets trying to decide which way to exit. The rifleman took hold of my horse’s left
rein to steady him and be ready to pull the rifle from its case. I thought for a moment that I had met my Waterloo and I would die
on this delta should the buffalo charge us.
There was no strength left in me to hang on to a crazed-with-fear
galloping Thoroughbred. Luckily the
buffalo decided to negotiate a clear path and thundered off to the right of
By the time we reached a deeper water area where a dug out
canoe could navigate, I was near passing out with the pain. I gently lowered myself to the ground and sat
on the floor of the dug out as two men polled me out to a waiting outboard boat
15 minutes later.
Next I had to transfer from the dug out to the aluminum boat
and sit yet again as my muscles shook in protest and nausea started to creep in. The two pain pills they had popped into me at
the time of the accident were quickly losing their effect.
When the prop was dropped into the cool water of the Delta,
we navigated only about 100 feet, before the men took over the polling. Percy (our driver) pulled the heavy load of reeds
from the propeller. This routine went on
with repetition for the next half hour before we finally reached deeper, less
grassy open water. Gunning the engine,
we started to make better time before our boat succumbed to the string and drag
of grasses again.
By this point, I decided to try a little humour to see if
that might help me forget the ugly stabbing pain. And so, the boatmen of Botswana joined me with a chorus of “Row Row Row Your Boat”, every time they took
up the long polls.
Roaring around again in open water, we came across the
bumping half submerged logs known locally as hippos. Instinctively, and with much aggression, the
male disappeared under the water. When
we looked back, 20 feet in our wake, the huge log leapt out of the water with a
menacing grunting roar of defiance as our tin boat flew down the river.
As we approached the
camp I was helped out of the boat feeling somewhat light headed and insanely in
pain. I asked for some ice for my back
and with a steadying arm, was helped to my tent. Momentarily, two frozen packs wrapped in a
towel appeared and I settled them under my seized and fiery hot lower
back. Awe, at least the heat was
dissipating slowly and the stiffening process was working in earnest.
More pain killer tablets prescribed to me which I gladly
took. I was left to rest while the camp
radioed for help.
I was in so much agony that tears began to well up and roll
down my cheeks. I felt like a little
whimpering baby so far from home, so all alone almost being transported into
another world by a wild herd of African buffalo. I soon shook off the useless nonsense of
self-pity as I pulled the ice packs from my back. I caught a strong whiff of fish as I lifted
the packs away. My God, as I almost
vomited, these have been keeping some fish frozen. (Even the slightest odor of fish puts my
stomach into utter turmoil.) As I
gagged, I tossed the packs to the vacant bed beside me and tried to shut my
eyes and also shut out the pain and world around me.
Later that evening, a nurse arrived at camp and was trying
to coordinate a copter ride out for me to take me to the hospital in Maun. I have given her my insurance paperwork and
contacts, medical information and the like.
The deluxe insurance package I had purchased turned out to
be totally unhelpful. Since I hadn’t
broken anything that was obvious at first glance, they (insurance agents) didn’t
see the need to help me. They wanted the
camp to call back during office hours!
Some idiot in Toronto has no idea what it is like to be stranded on an
open plain, surrounded by the BIG FIVE of Africa with only radio contact to
civilization, that someone with a severe back injury being tossed at speed from
a horse, can appreciate. As the pain
increased, my lioness roar will be heard once I get back to Canada AND God
help the person if I find out which one took the call!
Try as they might, a Medivac air ambulance wasn’t going to
happen because of the insurance company’s uncooperativeness. I could of course privately pay $5000 US cash
for a commercial helicopter to retrieve me from the jungle. I didn’t have $5000 cash on me. I would have to wait until morning and see
what transpires. In the meantime, I am
being held captive by a roaming elephant between my tent and the short 20 ft
walk to the eating area. He is taking
his time so I dare not disturb his supper.
They will bring me a tray to my tent with more pain meds later and the
horse liniment I requested from the stable’s equine medical supplies.
I had a rather sleepless night with lions growling, hippos
roaring and elephants continuing to graze by my tent. The morning has not brought good news. The insurance company is being very difficult
so now my only alternative is to ride out on a mattress in the back of a 4X4
traveling at 10 km/hr. following game tracks.
I was dosed up on painkillers for the long 2.5 hr. drive out
to the airstrip. After bracing with my
elbows lying in the back of the truck, with only the hot African sun pressing
through the screen netting as dust filtered through and spray from the wetlands
showered me for brief periods, and the missile sausages loomed over head as the
truck passed under their shade, we arrived.
My dress had flipped up during the journey exposing my lily white legs
to the hot African burn. I couldn’t move
to cover myself so instead added a painful sunburn to my litany of injuries.
My purse which was originally set beside me was relocated to
the cab of the truck for the journey. I
think their thought was that it just might bounce out. The trucks were unloaded and I specifically
asked if my purse was among the luggage.
I was informed it was.
I struggled to climb into the small Cessena for the trip to
Maun airport where an ambulance with flashing lights was waiting to take me to
the hospital. I kept my eyes closed for
the 20 min. flight to Maun hoping the miles would fly by quicker.
Finally we bump, bumped down and rolled to a stop with the
ambulance along side. The rest of the
passengers disembarked along with the luggage.
I chatted briefly with the medics who have offered to take me to the
hospital but feel that I could probably continue on to JoBurg and seek better
medical attention there if I wish. There
isn’t a whole lot they can do with soft tissue injuries, other than give pain
pills and/or therapy. The worst was
behind me so I decided to fly on. As a
parting word, the medics said that I should take this matter up with my
insurance company as they felt they (insurance people) were very negligible in
assisting me and further stated that if it had been a heart attack, broken
bones or head injury, I would most likely have died waiting for them to give
the go ahead. In their mind, and mine as
well, this was totally unacceptable procedure.
As we sorted through our baggage, I was shocked to see that
my purse wasn’t among the items. I was
literally stranded!!!
Shaking in pain, standing with no passport, money, credit
cards, plane ticket, visas and the lot, I was now quickly acquiring the temper
of those wild buffalos. When the rep for
the Safari people mentioned that they would charge me for sending a plane back
for my handbag I started to lose it right there in the airport. I don’t normally raise my voice or swear, but
now I had nothing to lose. I WAS NOT
As it turned out, they sent the plane back, held the Air
Botswana flight departing for JoBurg until I had my purse safely back in
I have arrived back in razor-wire city JoBurg and civilization
which comes with a hot deep tub in my 5 star hotel room. When I pulled the plug, I think I have left
half of Botswana
in the bottom of the water depleted tub.
As my aching back slumbers in the bed sort of, I close this chapter of
my day.
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My Rescue Team |
Four AM rise comes way too early for my battered and bruised
body. Slowly I point myself in the
direction of the shower and standing patiently as the warmth eases my muscles
Packed and ready to go, I’m off to the airport for the trip
to Kruger.
The flight is pleasantly short but the drive to the game
camp is horrendous. Two and a half hours
of wash board roads tugs cruelly at my injured back. My hands have turned purple with the grip of
the rail trying to soften and suspend the bounce of the van. Finally, we arrive at this beautiful gem in
the middle of Kruger
After settling in, I took the opportunity of booking in with
the massage therapist. I felt a lot
better after a session with her. Still
very stiff and sore, but at least I can sit a bit now. I’m having two more sessions with her to try
and get myself right or at least comfortable to some degree. I hope to be able to get at least one game
drive here before I leave.
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My Little Rondavel |
Still, this afternoon, I had elephants rooming below my
balcony, browsing on tree branches, a large bull elephant some 30 ‘ away and a
lioness wandering by on her leisurely early evening hunt. This is God’s place in Africa!
p.s. I’m working on making friends with an African
Grey Parrot name Fritz. He already seems
to be warming up to me. He was chasing
people away from the chair I was sitting in.
Reminds me of my Taboo..
I rose stiffly this morning but with less warm up of
I checked in for another massage and spent the day reviewing
my journals of the trip so far. I walked
several times, did stretches and read my book.
With the back starting to release its terrible grip somewhat, other
bruising and soreness is complaining now.
My tail bone in particular is very sore and a large shiner is starting
to poke to the surface of my left hip.
Tomorrow I hope to participate in an afternoon game drive and get some
of my last photos. I’m missing the rhino
and leopard yet. With any luck I’ll find
these to complete the series of the “big five”.
Tomorrow I have my last booked massage so hopefully I will
be well on the way to recovery before my long flight home. I’m certain I will still have some
discomfort, but nothing like I have had to endure.
I rolled over and hung my feet over the bed and pulled
myself into a sitting position. The
stiffness was still present, but perhaps a little less. After breakfast, I went for my 10 am massage
and felt a lot more relaxed. My tail
bone is still paining and a few other places that I hadn’t notice before.
As I immersed myself in a good murder mystery novel while
lounging in the bar, news flash on the radio and drifted out into the air until
it caught the attention of my ears.
“Tourist killed by elephant on safari in Botswana”! There were no further details and I wondered,
was it my safari camp? That could have
been me on the report. What a sobering
Today was the day I was going on the afternoon game
drive. I still need evidence for my
camera of the illusive Leopard and Rhino.
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Buffalo |
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Wildabeast at Dawn |
I put on my back brace and took the front seat position on
the Land Rover. In front of me was a 410
riffle, big enough to take down an elephant if need be. My ranger was Stephen, the biggest guide at
the camp and a very handy driver.
Knowing he had a handicap person on board, he took the bumps very
slowly. It was good to get out at long
last. We found the usual assortment of
Impala and elephants before coming upon the leopards.
Our first encounter was an 18 month old female. She came right beside the Land Rover which
made for some perfect shots (camera of course).
Later we came across her handsome father as he ambled up a steep gully
right into view. We followed him for a
long time before he finally wandered off into denser brush.
As rangers, they keep records on the animal population and
since many species do not travel great distances, it is a simpler task knowing
which animals are in your territory and who are new comers.
The leopards are sleek and muscular, but not as large as a
lion. These two examples were a delight
to photograph, almost posing like movie stars for the cameras.
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Leopard at Dusk |
As the sun fell below the horizon and darkness set in, the
spot light held by our spotter sitting on the hood mounted jump seat, fanned
the light from one side of the road to the other as we searched for big game. A few Impala were seen but the real catch of
the night was a pride of six female lions and one male. They sauntered down the track looking quite
pleased with themselves. Stephen
suggested that they had come off of a big kill and were well fed tonight. He figures that they took down a Kudu,
giraffe or some larger size prey due to the fact that all of the lions had satisfied
their appetites and looked quite full.
Just as well, I don’t think anyone of us wanted to be their dinner.
It was dark and cool as I stepped out of my thatch roof hut
at 5:15 am. I am determined to find my
Rhino today. We all loaded into the Land
Rover with spotlight and headlights guiding our way through the dense brush and
rut-punishing roads. It wasn’t long
before we found a track that led us straight to a huge white Rhino, lying
peacefully in a clay mound. I snapped
away at the sleeping hulk, amazed at its 2 ton size. Now I have all of the BIG FIVE
photographed. Later in the day, we would
come upon this fellow, slowly trekking down the road spraying his boundaries
with a hydrant force gush of urine to ward off any other male rhinos.
Further along we met up with a large herd of about 50 elephants. It was tricky not finding ourselves in the
middle of the herd. It seemed as though
they where circling us and one grumpy male trumpeted his disapproval of our
visit. Cautiously we kept out of the
Indians circling the wagon, so to speak.
Traveling through large thickets, the Rover continued to
grind its way along in first gear. Under
a tree lay a pride of lions, including the old fellow we say the night
before. It was the same group and they
looked very content with full stomachs.
The grand old lion didn’t even raise his head in acknowledgement. I think he was happy just to be fed. Lacking teeth now in his elder years, the
females take care of him. Hopefully, he
can remain with this pride for the remainder of his days. Once you see his photo, you can’t help but
feel for the old gentleman. He still is
majestic with the years of wisdom etched in his face.
The afternoon game drive turned in quite a performance. We tracked our usual elephants, catching the
tail end of a mating ceremony at the old water hole. Elephants were in abundance once again as we
watched them play and socialize in the water, take mud baths and just generally
just be elephants.
As the sun set low over the horizon, we attempted to find Leopard
and Hyena to no avail. We did discover a
Hyena’s den but no occupants present. As
the fading light of day dropped off the rise, it was time to switch on the spot
light for night vision. As it would be,
we found our pride of lions again with the old male tagging along. It must have been the call of the wild today,
because to our surprise, old kitty mated with one of the females on an
abandoned air strip. Being under the
cover of darkness, those who attempted to catch the feat on camera were sadly
disappointed with only fuzzy images of a very private affair. We followed the orderly fashion of a lion
hunt for half an hour. Following each
other, spaced out accordingly, walking a slow methodical single line with
determination in every step. We would
shut off the vehicle and kill lights only to find lions on either side of our
vehicle using it as cover in the open grass.
They were after the Impala at the edge of the landing strip.
Lions are amazingly silent, tracking each hind paw exactly
in the front paw track. They have an
extra padding of hair that softens any crack of a twig that may give them
away. We never heard them coming behind
us and looked a little shocked when we found them quietly lying beside the land
rover when we briefly turned a light on.
It is somewhat unnerving to have a lion a hair’s breadth away.
We decided to let the lions continue on their insidious nightly
hunt without us busy bodies following their every move. Off we went back to base and settled in for
the evening.
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View from the Deck and Pool |
The early morning game drive went on a usual as I lay in my
netted tent bed, the “DO NOT DISTURB” sign hanging on the door handle
outside. After a light breakfast, I
walked the short distance to my added appointment with the massage
therapist. Relaxing on the table, the
warm stones penetrated deep into the stressed and tired muscles of my back and
shoulders. Two game drives yesterday
proved to be a little too much for my injured back and increasingly sore tail
bone. But still the incredible scenery
and photos paled in comparison to my protesting back.
This afternoon I will take up my post opposite the
guide/driver for another experience following the game tracks. Perhaps this time we will find the allusive
We loaded up for our four hour sunset game drive which was
the most adventurous and climatic of all the game drives I’ve been on.
We came across one of the many herds of elephants sauntering
across our path in their slow motion sway.
One female with calf in tow came extremely close to our stationary
vehicle. Instinctively, the large female
ushered her calf to her right side placing her between us and the Land
Rover. I sat dead still looking into the
large brown eye that peered at me. We
were within a foot of each other. I
didn’t squint but softened my face to give no hint of fear or aggression. The momentary reading of eyes passed as the few
tons of wild elephant continued her walk following the rest of the herd.
In just two hours of
exploring dense bush, dried up seasonal river beds and well trodden dirt game trails,
we had spotted all of the BIG FIVE. My
only wish was to at last see the shy but lethal and vicious hyena. As late afternoon turned into darkness, I was
ready to release any hope of finding the Hyena.
All of a sudden, Stephen mumbled something to our spotter after
receiving direction from his secretive ear piece from the other game driver. We were off quickly crashing through brush,
over logs until finally meeting up with another Land Rover. Caught in the spotlight was my Hyena. I clicked away hoping that even with just the
smattering of light from the hand held beam, I could capture this boy on my
camera. I was lucky having several pics
come out reasonably well. He looked
profoundly menacing with steel trap jaws that could tear apart and crush
anything with ease.
As we turned away and headed out another route, we came upon
a pair of Leopards. They too had a brief
love affair going when we arrived. What
is it about the wilderness and the three letter word? I know procreation is everything, but to see
it on such a regular basis was quite a lesson in the birds and bees.
We followed the Leopards
for about 20 minutes before we broke off and gathered with another group of
Land Rovers on open grassland. It was
the lions and my sweet old boy again. The
lions now on hunt, were positioning themselves for a kill. All lights were extinguished from all
vehicles as we waited in silence and blackness for the chase to begin.
As the previous night, the lions used our vehicles as cover
while they skillfully got into position.
The small Impalas were nervous, sensing that the lions were close, but
unable to detect their exact proximity.
The buck snorted his alarm to the herd.
A small rolling thunder of little hooves grew louder as 40 or so Impala
took flight across the open plain. You
could hear a skirmish of sorts approximately 40 feet ahead of us and then the undeniable
roar of the kill boomed into the blackness of night. Seven lions had calculated with deadly
mobilization the taking down of one unfortunate Impala.
With engines switched on
and lights blazing into the blackness of the night, we arrived in mere seconds
to find the lions devouring the Impala with a ravishing hunger I had never seen
before. The smell of death permeated the
still night air as steam rose in the cool air from entrails eviscerated from
the Impala. The lions smeared in blood
on their broad faces, crunched and tore into the flesh of the little Impala with
The old male lion took command of the largest share and
wandered off with his prize catch of meat.
That soft amber eyed ancient lion I had photographed earlier was now a
full fledged hunter in the fury of the kill.
His weary muscles suddenly erupted in mega tones of power as he slipped
away with his kill, clutched in his mouth dripping red with blood.
Squabbles broke out among the females vying for the
remainder of the kill. We were reassured
that the lions – just a mere 10 feet away – wouldn’t attack us. It seems a little precarious to think that
four wheels and a little steel on an open air rover, can afford protection from
these marauding killers, never mind our point man whose legs dangled from the
jump seat at the front bumper in a teasing manner. I think he needs danger pay for this job!
As sickening as the scene was, I managed to capture some
photos under the artificial lights of the vehicles and spot lights trained on
the killing field. The lions seemed
unperturbed by the glaring lights and they continued to devour the prey in
large heaping gulps.
My first thought when we arrived on scene was a silent cry
of sympathy for the deer-like wee animal.
I was somewhat relieved to see that the animal was already dead and not
suffering. It had died within seconds of
being tackled.
I must admit that the lions are very efficient killers and
get down to business as swiftly and deadly as possible. It was a reality check as to how dangerous a
night on the African grasslands can be. The
lions would soon be on the hunt again tonight, for this one Impala would only
satisfy the feeding requirements of one lion, not seven. “The lion DOES NOT sleep tonight”.
It’s early evening as I sit at a patio table on the deck
overlooking the Park, not far from last evening’s traumatic event. There is an elephant just off in the treed
area breaking off branches to feed itself.
The baboons are calling and a few monkeys scurry above me in the large
tree. It’s peaceful, only the elephant
slowly making its way into view. Another
elephant has joined it as I am listening to two slow grunts
simultaneously. It’s mating season so
there might be more going on in the brush than I can see.
I’ve sorted my luggage, had one more massage and have spent
the day taking it easy and reviewing my journals. Nothing too exciting. Tomorrow will be a very long day as I start the
long journey home. My back still gives
me grief and the therapist suggested I see my physician on my return. I think I will too.
It will be good to get back to my own bed although I will
miss the wildness of Africa. A little part of me has been forever changed
with this experience. Our lives are too
complicated and rushed. Learning about
survival and the natural beauty that abounds, makes you stop and wonder what we
are doing. I think the animals have it
right. They keep life simple, but never
boring. It is a very respectful,
dangerous but orderly life here.
Everything has its place and purpose.
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